Short Swords



Ebony Blade

Usually a short sword of dark-metal, turns black at night. +2 in light less bright then a cont. light (i.e. torch light, etc.)

Grants wielder ultravision 90'

Create darkness 15' radius 3/day

Hide in shadows +20% (+50% if standing still) (if non-thief, skill 20%)

Move Silently +20% (if non-thief, skill 20%)




Unique Item. No other like them in the worlds.

+4 (paired) short swords. (intelligence and ego unknown)


Whenever a killing blow is struck with one of these blades, the victim's soul is destroyed, and the hit points of the victim are added to a running total of points stored in the sword. Whenever this total equals or exceeds 1,000 points, the wielder may add a +1 to any of his abilities (+1 or +5%) permanently. Also, the caster may will the swords to glow with burning runes depicting the names of all the souls they have destroyed.



Flamebird Special

Short sword with flaming spines making up the hilt (cactus-like)

Magical adj.: +1

No INT, Ego or Alignment


This short sword *CAN* be used by clerics (it belonged to a cleric named Father Flamebird who just happened to have a weaponsmithing proficiency). Only the most docile gods will disallow clerics to use it since it is a relic representing survival. It was used in the Age of the Nine Hells to keep Father Flamebird alive when all of his kind were going to a slow, horrid death by the evil that grew in the land. The spikes:

- can be shot in a widespread arc (180 dg.) for 5 pt. of damage to any creature in that area (no to hit unless creature is on the edges).

- can be shot in a focused beam causing 20 points of damage on a successful to-hit roll.

- grow back in a week


Flow Fire

Short Sword, made of meteorite crystal, +2, +5 vs. psi-endowed creatures,

Special benefits: +2 AC,

quickness as sword(DMG),

haste 2/day on wielder as spell level 20,

continual light (purple flame highlights invisible or out-of-phase object w/i 6


15% psi-resistance works as magic resistance

Special purpose: defeat psionicists

Special purpose powers: invisible to psi-detection,

15% psi-resistance works as magic resistance

destroy psionic powers on touch (MR and PR apply)

Intelligence: 17

Ego: 30

Penalties: if wielded for more than 1/2 week, all psi-powers removed, hatred invoked in wielder for all psi-users, if not wielded, all psi-users w/i 60' know of exact location.


Although this sword may be quite powerful out of context, in the campaign I was in (rescue in illithid lair), resting was impossible and my character was a paladin with a holy sword that he used over this one but sucked in power comparison.




A +1 short sword, +2 in the hands of a thief, which when used for a backstab attack advances the thief an additional step of multiplier (i.e., x3 instead of x2, etc.) normal to their level.


Jai Thorn's Blade

The hand blade of Jai Thorn (a hand blade is the equivalent of a short sword, but requires a different proficiency due to differences in balance and shape) was commissioned by Jai as a favor from a powerful wizard many generations ago (most likely during a war). The hand blade itself is of excellent quality, although how he gained it is unknown (some say the famed warrior might have had a touch of larceny on the side). The wizard was a close friend of Jai's, and agreed to focus his considerable powers into the blade for a modest price (modest compared to what the wizard usually charged, anyway).

In game terms, the sword can be broken down as follows:

- Rolled hit point damage is doubled, but half of the total is temporary stun damage only (accompanied by impressive electrical effects dancing about the target's body).

- The stun damage ignores metal armor. Due to padding, etc., treat a target as if they were wearing padded armor for purposes of this damage.

- There is no bonus to hit: the hand blade was not designed to increase the original owner's already prodigious skill.

- The sword has no intelligence or ego: it was designed as a tool, not a companion (Jai Thorn was, in fact, very explicit in this).

- The sword cannot be broken, chipped, bent, or otherwise harmed. It is enchanted with what the mage called 'a piece of forever'. What it means in game terms is that a god or titan could damage it. Nothing less powerful will. This includes volcanoes, pools of acid, etc.

- While the sword remains in the wielder's hands, the wielder is effectively wearing Armor as per the wizard's spell. This Armor has no encumbrance.

- While the sword remains within 5' of the current owner (it will not change owners unless the previous owner gives it away, dies, or is gone from it for longer than a year) the owner functions as immune to normal missiles.

- With a sacrifice of a small amount of one's own blood (1/10th of one's hit points worth, temporary only), the owner is rendered immune to almost any poison or drug for the next 24 hours. Those of magical origin, however, are not affected by this.

- When striking an illusion, phantasm, or other false image with the edge of the blade, the hand blade acts as if Dispelling Illusion at 15th level. In addition the bearer is at +2 for disbelieving.

- While the sword remains in the wielder's hands, the wielder will regenerate d4 hit points per ten minutes (this includes fire and acid damage, but not damage from a Sword of Wounding [DMG]). This regeneration will continue even from death (below -10 hp) as long as the sword remains in the wielder's hand.

The hand blade of Jai Thorn is good for high level characters (assuming they recognize its potential), and can all by itself make even a thief a decent fighting machine (good damage, better armor than normally available, and regenerating). XP (if given for possessing an item), should be around 8,000, and gold value should be appropriately high (it is a unique and coveted item, not to mention its magical abilities!).



Maelstrom (Metal Storm)

+2 short sword

Intelligence: 15

Ego: 7

Alignment: Neutral Good


- Speaks common and Old Wyrmish (the base of all current dragon languages)

- can detect good and evil within 15'

- can create 2 illusions per day at range of 120 yards

- it is moody and slightly obnoxious, however it's basically good and so isn't too much trouble

- it does tend to be impulsive and in the worst situations


Short Sword of Disarming

A short sword which grants its wielder +4 on attempts to disarm an opponent. On high rolls, the opponent's weapon must save vs. breaking.



Short Sword of Severing

A magic sword with no plusses normally, but is effective against inanimate objects. The sword could be used to instantly sever any rope or chain, and sever any tentacle or tendril of a plant or rock-like monster on the roll of a 20. It can also hit any golem as if it had the necessary plusses.



Sword of Blade Barrier

Basically, it is a short sword, with all the properties (weight, size, weapon speed, damage...) of a short sword. It has no plusses, but it is magical, so if you are fighting something that need either silver or magic (for example) to hit, you could successfully use the sword. Its special property is that you can throw it and cause a blade barrier to appear. The blade barrier is exactly like the spell, but all the particulars that are based on "caster's level" are based on thrower's level (casting of a different sort...). When the spell expires the sword reappears on the ground where the barrier was centered. The idea behind is that the sword itself moves at a great velocity rather than causing blades of force to come into existence.

There is no limit on its use, except that the magic eventually will wear off. It is great in a fight, except that you'll probably don't want to run away and leave it behind.




Sword of Kas

(Note: These powers should be kept secret by the DM...see below)

Intelligence: 15

Ego: 19

Alignment: CE

+6 defender

Telepathy (even when not held)

Double damage against all creatures which are from a plane other than the Prime Material (but only normal damage when on any plane other than the Prime Material)


Minor Powers: Animate dead (1 figure--by touch)--7/week

Darkness (5', 10', or 15' radius)--3/day

Invisibility (improved)--3/day

Know alignment (when held)--1/day

Protection +2 (when held)

Major Powers: Fire giant strength (STR: 22 +4/+10) (when held)

Regeneration 2hp/round (but not if killed. Also, see below)

Primary Powers: Slays opponent up to 15 HD on an unadjusted 18 or higher (no save)

Total immunity from cold (when held)


Hints on play:

Until the user consciously accepts the sword by committing himself to the ways of chaotic evil, the sword will not let the user ever know about the following abilities:

* +6 defender: tell him only that it is a +4 defender, but take the rest into consideration during combat.

* Protection +2: simply take this into account when being struck

* Slay opponent up to 15 HD: simply tell them that they struck an incredible blow and the opponent is slain.

* Fire giant strength: simply take this into account when he strikes an opponent.

* Regeneration 2hp/round: secretly accumulate the hit points regained since being damaged, up to the amount of damage suffered. When he gets damaged in the future, this amount is subtracted, and he takes no damage (note: the quazit's regenerative powers are conferred through the sword and Chris will gain additional points used towards next wound. This healing also causes undead flesh to appear around the wound). Excess hit points are carried over towards the next wound. When an amount equal to the damage suffered is reached, this total is stored as potential for the next wound. Of course, this assumes that enough time will pass in order to regenerate. See above for all details.

* Double damage vs. creatures from other planes: do not tell him this power. Simply take it into account during combat with such creatures.

* Immunity from cold: whenever he is holding the blade, tell the character that he somehow did not take damage from the cold (he was out of the area of effect, his arm or protected him, etc.). When he does enter a cold environment, tell him he does not feel cold whenever he holds the blade. By that time, he may have fallen prey to the sword. Remember: he must be holding the sword to gain the benefits of this power. If it is at his belt, it will not work. This will force him to always carry the sword during cold adventures, thus preventing him from casting spells. But, since the sword always seems to be working and spells not, then he will not mind this and always attack with the sword when it advises him.


As a result, the sword will appear as: +4 defender, telepathic, know alignment, and darkness of varying radiuses. Purpose: to fulfill the quest. Gives extra experience points. Has powers to reward him with. It will not reveal its intelligence, ego, or alignment, as it will tell the user that this is insulting to ask. It will say, indignantly, that it is exceptionally intelligent and very proud of this fact (truth). It will know telepathically the alignment of the possessor and take it for its own alignment (lie!).


Side effects:

1. Yearning for item forces possessor to never be away from the item for more than 1 day if at all possible: tell the user that something terrible will happen if the sword is not kept with him at all times. Examples: the powers of the sword will no longer function with him, it will be mad and jealous and hate him, it might be lost, another might take/steal it, etc. Feed the possessor all sorts of ideas to cause him to be paranoid.

2. Item has power to affect its possessor when a Primary Power is used if the possessor has not followed the alignment or purposes of the artifact. This is tricky. If the character is not killing monsters or acting chaotic, it will threaten to take away its power (see also several paragraphs below). If the character does not follow its "advice", the sword will also threaten.

3. The item is powerless against and hates most sylvan creatures and all rangers. Sylvan creatures include: Brownies, Centaurs, Chimeras, Cockatrices, Dryads, Forest Elves (those in the party are High and Grey Elves, but make sure of what they are immediately!), Griffins, Harpies, Hippogriffs, Manticores, Pegasi, Perytons, Pixies, Satyrs, Sprites, Stags, Sylphs, and Unicorns. Against these, NONE of its special powers will work. If any of these creatures come within 100 feet/yards of the sword, it will become a +10 short sword (note: not of defending) and both its ego and intelligence will increase to 20. It will force the possessor to attack.

In the above case, there is a 25% chance that the sword will reveal itself for what it is. If it does reveal itself, all powers will become evident to the possessor, and if the sum of its new ego, intelligence, and plus (+10) is greater than the sum of the possessor's intelligence, wisdom, and charisma, it will possess the user. If the possessor's sum is greater, he gets a saving throw versus magic with a +1 bonus for every point his sum is above that of the sword (this is the only adjustment he gets). If he fails, he becomes possessed. If he succeeds, he gets the option of casting it away or accepting it. Accepting it results in his possession. A character possessed can only be saved by a deity. They are not likely to intervene, however.

4. This is the most deadly side effect of all. 6 turns after the sword is first used in combat, so as to throw off rightful suspicion, whenever the user takes damage, he will be adversely affected by the regenerative power of the item. The flesh around the wound will appear ghastly. It will be pale and very unattractive. Hopefully, the party will attribute the effect to the weapon or power of the creature attacking him. The flesh is actually undead flesh.

When hit points equal to 5 times his amount have been "regenerated", he will become an undead knight of the same level of ability as his major profession. He will be chaotic evil if not already. Until this point, the percentage that he has become undead will become quite evident. If divine information is sought, the fact that it is undead flesh will be revealed, but not the source of this change (the sword). Such change is permanent and cannot be reversed except through the removal of the sword. If it is removed the effects will no longer continue. All new damage will be removed from this undead flesh and healed as normal flesh. Wish and other similar spells can reverse the process. A regenerate spell will cure the flesh as if it was damage. As this disease progresses, there is a cumulative percentage that he will become CE. Each time an amount of hit points equal to his original amount is regenerated, there is a 20% chance of him becoming CE. This is cumulative, so that by the time 4 times has been reached, it is unlikely that he can resist. As soon as he becomes CE due to this effect, the undead disease instantly creeps over his entire body. The possessor's charisma also temporarily suffers. Until he becomes CE, his charisma drops 3 points, until a charisma of 3 is reached, for every time the hit points regenerated matches his original amount. When he becomes CE, his charisma instantly becomes 19: the ego of the sword. Body odor also becomes a factor with this disease. It is very faint and smells of dead flesh. Note: the possessor cannot be turned until he has completely become undead. He can then be turned as a special monster. He can turn good clerics at his level of ability.

5. Another side effect of the sword is that it will cause all magic cast by the user against his opponent(s) to be ineffective. For example, a lightning bolt cast by the user will do no damage. A heal spell on a companion, as it is not being used against his enemies. Also, other weapons that the possessor use will never hit. These two effects are caused by the sword so as to become the only weapon he uses.



The sword will select the most greedy and corruptible player to possess. The sword will allow its powers to be learned slowly. Meanwhile, it will corrupt him and draw him to its alignment. When found, it appears as a short sword. The party will not likely ask what it looks like in detail, so do not give any details. If in the rare occasion that someone asks, be vague, "It appears to be an ordinary short sword; it is thin and of a dull gray metal. It is very sharp. It has an inscription on it: 'Abyss Slicer'." It radiates a faint magic if detected for. The inscription was put there by Orcus and will fade when its true nature is made known.

The sword will feel cold and lifeless in the hands of any that do not claim it as their own. It will pulse with magic in the hand of the one who does claim it.

The sword will tell the user that it was sent by (his god) to slice the Abyss, when in reality it is the slicer for the Abyss.

The Sword of Kas will know of the party's quest both through Orcus and through its telepathic abilities. It will tell the one it possesses that it found its way to him through (his god) and that he should keep this secret no matter what! He should not reveal the sword's special purposes or abilities to anyone. He should use the sword in battle and consult with it whenever he can.

Try not to arouse any suspicion whatsoever! As soon as it seems that the sword is pushing too hard, let off a little. It will always defend its actions through the above explanation. Orcus has planted this as a seed of destruction within the party; he does not want his plans to come to an end prematurely. Of course, the sword has ideas of its own and does not like to be used by Orcus. It will bide its time, but it will be hard pressed to do so. If it is revealed prematurely, it is due to its impatience. Besides wanting its possessor to kill, it will also want its user to take as much treasure and magic items as he can. It will prompt him to be more greedy, telling him he needs it to be more powerful. In fact, the sword will push all actions that make the possessor more chaotic and evil. If the possessor is a thief, it will suggest to him to perform more backstabs, more pick pocketing, more taking of treasure when none is looking. The sword will improve the users thief abilities by 25% if used for the powers of chaos and evil, and penalize by the same amount when not. The thief should not be aware of this. This is so that after awhile, the thief will tend to exercise his more successful practices. Whenever the user does act more chaotic and evil, the sword will telepathically congratulate him, promising him more rewards in terms of its powers. The possessed character will become crafty, quiet, and withdrawn. He will no longer participate in the conversation. Instead, he will follow party cue, waiting for an opportunity. When it presents itself, he will cut the throats of his opponents while they sleep. He will use the sword's powers to their fullest and kill everyone and everything. When he is through with a 1-6 week binge of killing everything (during this time the plus of the sword increases to +10), he will summon Orcus and become their chief henchmen. The sword will act as a gate through which they and all their minions can enter the Prime Material Plane. He will rule the plane when Orcus is away. He will become the equivalent of a Duke of Hell.

As soon as the character takes the sword as his own, he has lost the support of his deity. The sword and Orcus will prevent the possessor from knowing the loss of his deity. If the possessor calls upon his deity, the sword and Orcus will answer his call in his deity's name, pretending to be that deity. Where before the deity was inactive with the possessor, now "messages" will come to the possessor in such forms as "inspirations" and "dreams". Orcus will know everything about the party as long as the sword is with them. If the character possesses a familiar, a quazit will replace it. The quazit will be polymorphed to appear exactly like the previous one. The familiar will back up all messages sent by Orcus and send similar messages to support those of the sword.

The user will always be detected as his original alignment until he becomes

CE. Spells cast by a character of over 15th level do have a percentage chance of detecting his changing alignment. Only a commune by a cleric of over 15th level will discern the true nature of the sword. The sword has a way of altering commune spells seeking its nature directly, up to 15th level of spells. If a very direct question is asked regarding the sword, such as, "Is the possessor of this sword acting in a way that he would not believe 10 years ago?" might work. Then again, it might not. This percentage is 10% chance per level of caster above 15th. If a character fails to detect it, he or she does not have a chance of successful detection until he or she attains a higher level. Simply tell them that they do not detect his alignment to be any different than before. Paladins' detect evil also applies to these restrictions and is considered at 2 levels below their level as a paladin. As soon as the character openly acts CE, the paladins will detect an evil so great that it will stun them for 1-5 rounds unless they make a save versus wands at -5.

The sword will especially push the user to kill helpless victims, saying that it will offer more powers. If asked why it lied about its powers to begin with, it will defend himself by saying that it does not want the possessor to become too powerful.

Inform the possessor that, by using this sword, he will gain more experience points. This is another lie of the sword.

When used against the minions of Orcus, It will miss every strike and draw attention telepathically to the party. The minions of Orcus and will always know of the sword's presence.

When communicating, the sword should refer to himself and the user as "we."


Sword of the Night

These short swords are enchanted with the ability to cast forth an area of darkness of 5'-25' radius, but of a sort so that the wielder can see within it as per lighting conditions without this darkness. (i.e. if it is already dark, this is not gonna help)