Crystal Sword
To hit/damage adjustment: +2 or +3
Special abilities: Language translation (see below)
A bastard sword made out of a large single piece of quartz crystal. Magic makes it the same weight and hardness of a regular 2-handed sword and provides it's special ability which is not obvious or always known). When held so the user can see through the blade, it translates any written language into any other of the DM's choice, usually common, dwarfish or elfish. Can be used 3-5 times a day, and each charge lasts for ten minutes.
This bastard sword is +3 for all normal purposes, but has several powerful functions when used against Demons. The wielder of the sword is immune to all magical effects and spells caused or cast by any demon, directed specifically at the wielder. For any other effects, the wielder gains a +4 on any saving throws, and will even get a saving throw if there was none before. The sword glows a deep blue whenever a Demon gets within 120'. On a hit of a natural 20, if intended, the sword will hit and shatter the Demon's amulet. In fighting Demons, the sword is +5. The sword is only usable by Lawful Good char's.
Demon Sword
This +2 bastard sword is a polymorphed Type IV Demon (or Tanar'ri, True - Nalfeshnee if you wish) and can throw all the spells that such a creature could throw. The wielder should not be told this. The demon will cast whatever the wielder asks. The sword will exact its payment each midnight in hit points (1hp +1hp for each power used). You could scale this up to reflect the different spell levels, if the character can take the losses.
The sword communicates through telepathy. The wielder can only be rid of the sword if Remove Curse releases the demon from its imprisonment in the sword, free to cause mayhem on the party.
Juris Est
Juris Est is an artifact that was created by the lords of Law. It was many years in the making, and has many wonderful powers.
Intelligence of 20. Ego of 20. Communicates telepathically with wielder. Lawfully aligned. +5/+5 vorpal bastard sword. Does triple damage to chaotic creatures. Protection from Chaos (wielder). Detect Chaos (twenty feet). Acts as a mace of disruption. Lightning bolts (6d6 once per melee round).Resurrect (as a twentieth level cleric) once per week. psionic ability: 400 points. All attack and defense modes. Major psionic disciplines: telekinesis and energy control. Minor disciplines: ESP, empathy, levitation and precognition.
Bastard sword +2
EGO: 10
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (VERY slight evil tendency)
- Can detect secret doors within 5'
- Detect traps within 10'
- Can cast cure light wounds on owner 3 times/day
- Can fire 8 magic missiles per day (360' range) (no more than 4 per volley)
- Speaks demon, common, alignment, and 1 other language of the DM's choice
While the sword is chaotic neutral, it is fairly quiet, preferring to be left alone. When it does speak, it tends to be brisk and to the point; rarely tactful. The sword's slight evil tendency is perhaps inherited from it's previous owner of several years, a cabman demon.
Swords of Darkness
These bastard swords' blades are not made of steel of any kind, but from the very stuff of darkness, negative material. These blades ignore any kind of armor, slicing right through it (though not destroying it). When striking, they do 4d6 hp damage, draining the life force of the creature hit directly. They have no bonuses to hit per se. When passing through armor or other physical objects, it leaves a trail of ice crystals and coldness behind. Those struck by this kind of sword for more than 16 hp, must save vs. paralyzation, or be stunned for the next round. A very few (1% at best) of these swords has such a strong conduit to the negative material, that they do 6d6 hp damage, save vs. death magic or lose a level and save vs. paralyzation or be stunned for d4 rounds.
Sword of Force (+2 Sword of Force energy)
Normally in the form of a bastard sword, this sword bestows the benefit of the spell "shield" when drawn.