



Intelligence: 17

EGO: Tolerable

Alignment: Chaotic Good


Akasha or Bloodbringer is the most powerful sword of Silvain Darksword Goddess of War and Seduction (Greater Goddess). She is the wife of Thayathas (Thayathas' bow). Akasha may only be used in the nighttime; If used in the day, it must save vs. spell as a 6th level fighter or turn to ash. If this happens, the sword may be restored if the ashes are collected and mixed with nine drops of Silvain blood in its sheath. The sword talks. Its claim to fame is that it can drain life-levels at the rate of 2 per hit if the opponent is 10th level or higher and at the rate of 1 per hit if the opponent is lower than 10th level.


Baarane's Swords of Agility

There are three swords created by the legendary weapon forger Baarane. They are a long sword, short sword, and bastard sword. All weapons have some properties in common. All three are:

* +2 weapons to hit and damage (considered +4 for attacking creatures which require a certain + to-hit)

* After the first round of combat, the wielder will ALWAYS strike first in the round, regardless of dexterity or other modifiers.

* All radiate Continual Light in a 60' radius. Light CANNOT be controlled by the wielder: it is ALWAYS on when the weapon is drawn.

* When wielded, the light pouring from the blade creates a "strobe" effect in front of the wielder, adding 2 to his AC for all frontal attacks.

* Color Spray/Hypnotic Pattern (and similar spells) have no effect on the wielder or on anyone standing behind the wielder within the radius of light emitted by the blade.

* Blade can cast Jump spell at will, up to 5 times/day.

* Each blade has it's own set of additional properties.


Baarane's Short Sword

(additional properties)

* Alignment: Good

* Intelligence: 15

* EGO: 8

* Can speak in any language known to the wielder, but will speak only when questioned.

* Will try to convince the wielder to "do good", as appropriate to any question it is asked.

* Will Cure Critical Wounds if the wielder receives a "fatal blow" (i.e. one that could knock character unconscious/dead). The weapon has no control over this power. This power will NOT take effect if the wielder of the weapon is Evil.

* Can detect any of the other two Baarane's swords at a range of 1 mile. It must be questioned about the other weapons before it can use this power. The weapon knows the other swords' powers.


Baarane's Bastard Sword

(additional properties)

* Alignment: Neutral

* Intelligence: Not intelligent

* If used two-handed, has a 10% chance of disarming an opponent on a successful "to-hit" roll. It can only disarm an opponent using a one-handed weapon.

* On a natural 20, if the opponent is wielding a non-magical weapon, it will shatter that weapon. If the opponent is wielding a magical weapon, he must save vs. Paralyzation (bonus equal to weapon plus) or be disarmed.

* If the wielder concentrates on this sword for more than one round, it will point in the direction of the nearest of the other two swords. If the other sword lies on another plane, the bastard sword will point straight up. There is no range limit on this power.

* The Bastard sword was created for one purpose: to destroy the other two swords. If this sword is drawn in the presence of one of the other two blades, the wielder must make a save vs. spells at -4. Failure to save causes the wielder to enter a berserk rage, and attack whoever is holding the other sword. If the save is made, the wielder becomes aware of the special purpose of the weapon, but resists the rage.

* In combat with someone wielding one of the other Baarane's Swords, if a natural 18, 19, or 20 is rolled, the other sword is destroyed. A magical explosion occurs doing 5d4+20 points of damage to all within a 20' radius of the combat. If this weapon manages to destroy both of the other swords, it loses all it's special abilities, but retains those abilities common to all three swords.


Baarane's Long Sword

(additional properties)

* Alignment: Evil

* Intelligence: 10

* EGO: 4

* This weapon cannot speak, but can communicate empathically with the wielder.

* This weapon will cast Fumble on anyone of Good Alignment who attempts to draw the weapon, or is stuck by the weapon. Normal saving throws apply.

* Can Haste the wielder for up to five rounds per week. The five rounds do not need to be used during the same combat, or even the same day. The Haste ability can be switched on and off. No aging occurs to the wielder.

* The Long Sword will ALWAYS lead it's master into combats, without regard for the wielder's ability to withstand attacks.

* This weapon hates other enchanted swords. Once per day, any other magical swords carried by the wielder of this blade must save vs. spells. Failure causes other swords to lose one property (or plus, if the weapon has no special properties). This will continue until the offending weapon is drained of all magic.


The Good and Evil swords were created as an experiment by Baarane. Considering them too powerful, he secured them in a vault, where they were later stolen by adventurers. Outraged and angered, Baarane created the Bastard Sword in order to exact revenge on those who had stolen from him. Expecting that an Adventurer's natural curiosity would do his work for him, he presented the Bastard Sword to an adventuring acquaintance as a gift. In time, he knew, someone who used the Bastard Sword would follow it's gentle tugs and... He would have his revenge!!!

Baarane felt that whatever powers remained in the Bastard Sword after the destruction of the other two would be suitable reward for the warrior strong enough to complete the task.



Bastard Sword

LITERALLY, +3 vs. bastards (those whose fathers are not known).



Blackrazor is a +3 chaotic neutral sword with an intelligence of 17 and an ego of 16. Its purpose is to such souls. It's a black sword that shines like a piece of night sky filled with stars, and it is sheathed in a black scabbard decorated with pieces of cut obsidian. On a killing stroke, Blackrazor temporarily adds the number of levels of the dead foe to its bearer's levels (in terms of fighting ability). The bearer also temporarily gains the full hit points of the victim. All subsequent damage to the sword wielder is removed from the added hit points first. The extra levels and hit points last a number of turns equal to the number of levels received. The souls of all entities killed by blackrazor are sucked out and devoured, so those killed by the black sword cannot be raised.

For every three days the sword remains "unfed", its ego increases by one point, until it can compel its bearer to kill a human or humanoid being. Upon feeding, its ego returns to 16.

The DM will note that Blackrazor is a negative-energy entity that exists by absorbing positive life energy levels from those it kills. However, if it even strikes a negative energy being like an undead (except ghouls and ghosts) it will work in reverse, transferring one level and corresponding hit points from the wielder to the creature attacked. It will do this each time that it strikes. Under these conditions, the wielder can actually die and have his soul sucked out by his own sword. If the wielder survives, he will need a restoration spell or twice the usual number of levels received from positive "kills" to replace the lost levels. Those killed for replacement must be of the same race as the sword wielder. Blackrazor may very well keep this little drawback a secret until the first time the sword bites into a wight or vampire. The DM must remember that Blackrazor exists solely to feel power and souls coursing through itself, and sometimes it may not be too picky about where the energy is coming from.

In addition to the above, the sword has the following powers:

- Speech and telepathy (common and whatever tongues its wielder knows, which it learns telepathically)

- Detects living creatures (souls), 60' r.

- Haste spell (bearer only, 10 rounds) once per day.

- 100% magic resistance to charm and fear (exact percentage chance of resistance will depend upon the level of the opponent casting the spell.




The origins of the BloodBlades are uncertain, as is their current number. They are short swords, one and all, and all bear names such as Leech, Vampire, etc. To those that study the history of these blades, they seem to attach themselves to a "host" for some time, and then move onward.

The BloodBlades function as +2 short swords. They have a keen intelligence (no special powers), but an even keener hunger. They demand to be occasionally sated, and will struggle with their masters if they are not. The problem is that blade will not function until it has tasted blood (meaning the +2 does not come into effect). This can be accomplished one of two ways; the blood can be drawn from the wielder (causing 2 pt. of damage) or can be drawn from an opponent in normal combat. Once that taste is given, however, the blade becomes difficult to control. It will not be satisfied until it has tasted 17-22 pt. of blood (1d6+16--DM determines secretly); if there are no foes present, it will force the wielder to attack friends; if there are no friends, the blade will draw from the wielder. The wielder can attempt to control the blade by sheer force of will; its effective ego is 42. If the character's ego is higher, he can force it back into the sheath even before it has had its fill. Otherwise, he is at the mercy of the blade. It will, however, leap from the sheath at the first opportunity to slash as whomever is nearest (normally the wielder) in its never-ending search for satisfaction. Many wielders have made special provisions to have the blades "bonded" to their sheaths to prevent this occurrence. The blade will need a "refill" every third day or so (this is based on DM discretion, and should not be too regular due to the capricious nature of the blades. Sometimes it may go several days or more than a week without wanting to feed; other times it might want to feed every day--again, DM's discretion).

In addition to its combat bonus of +2, the blades also grant the wielder +1 to his Constitution score.


Cane Sword

This sword appears to be simply a walking cane, with the handle having a gnarled knob at the end. Upon uttering a command word, the blade can be pulled from the sword. The sword is +2, with a speed of 2. Examining the cane when the sword is not drawn does not reveal any seams whatsoever.


Cold Intellect Sword

Author's note: these are the stats for The Cold Intellect and a sword forged from its remains. The sword uses a lot of the capacities of the CI so I'm providing you with its stats also.


Cold Intellect

There are several degrees of Cold Intellects. Consciousness starts from an intelligence of 16 and then slowly grows to 20. Stats vary according to its intelligence. Those of INT 16 are always first mentioned, then follow the stats of INT 17, and so on.


AC: 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 0

Move: 20' (floating)

Hit Dice: 4 - 5+1 - 6+2 - 7+3 - 8+4

No. of attacks: 1

Damage/attack: 1d6 (crushing damage)

2d8 ( when charging)

Special attacks: Lightning - see below

Special defense: Immunity - see below

Intelligence: variable ( 16-17-18-19-20 )

Alignment: most are Neutral

a few are CN, LN, NG, NE

a (rare) exception is LG, LE, CG, CE

Size: hollow sphere of 3' diameter

Psionics: 100 - 150 - 200 - 250 - 300

Attack/Defense modes: INT 16: a,c/g,i

INT 17-18: a,c,e/g,i,j

INT 19-20: all/all

Abilities: Domination, ESP, Telepathy

Special abilities: Levitation (to keep it floating)

Energy Control

(Special abilities require no psionic cost but cease to function when psionic ability is zero)


The Cold Intellect is a sleek, dark pink, metal ball. The metal is of unknown origin and keeps the energy in the hollow sphere. When it gains control over an area (no other highly intelligent mortal creatures left) it settles down. It lives solitary and spends huge amounts of time on thinking and controlling its inner energy fluxes (a decade is normal.) When it has refined its energy structure (and the metal around it), it grows in intelligence and gains additional powers. Its hit points are a measure of the quality of the metal. How better, how more blows the sphere can sustain before it tears apart. Should this happen the energy is dissipated and the intellect is utterly destroyed. A CI feeds on the thermal energy around it, hence it is cold.

A CI can release strokes of lightning at will. An 16 INT CI has a surplus energy of 18d6 and is capable of releasing it in strokes of minimum 1d6 and maximum 6d6.

17 INT CI has 21d6 - max. stroke of 7d6

18 INT CI has 24d6 - max. stroke of 8d6

19 INT CI has 27d6 - max. stroke of 9d6

20 INT CI has 30d6 - max. stroke of 10d6

It can release only one stroke per round. Thus a 20 CI is able to release a 1d6 stroke for 30 rounds or 2d6 strokes for 15 rounds, and so on...

Recharging can only take place after combat. Exception: lightning bolts will be completely absorbed and its number of dice added to the surplus. A CI is immune to cold based effects (due to the guarding metal).

Fire based effects:

Saving throw failed: Half the fire dice will be converted and added to the surplus. The other half is deducted from the hit points. Saving throw succeeded: 3/4 of the dice is added to the surplus. 1/4 damage. Excess energy will flow to the earth (and is not stored).


The Cold Intellect Sword

In the beginning the sword is as follows:

+2 to hit / +2 to damage

+4 to damage against fire-electricity using creatures. Damage from such creatures will be added to the energy store. Ratio is 6 HP for 1d6. Truncate excesses.

Wielder can use lightning bolts with a maximum of 4d6 from a energy store of 12d6. Normal recharging (without bonuses from damage and attacks) is done once a day.


The blade is extremely cold, and precautions should be taken while wielding (e.g. Ring of Resist Cold in the hilt, a special enchanted scabbard, etc.). When the wielder makes its saving throw against lightning, all energy will be stored in the sword as a surplus. Excess energy is truncated. When he doesn't, he takes half damage, while the rest is absorbed.

Due to the forging process, the quality of the metal is reduced to its lowest state. However, its capacity to store energy remains. The 'spark of life' that once created the CI is still present. When a to hit score of 20 is rolled (modified or not) against a highly intelligent creature (e.g. a mage) the sword will sap an intelligence point from him (permanently) and add it to his own intelligence. Decide for yourself what the effects are on the victim: loss of spells, etc. The sword starts from an intelligence of 5. When it has reached an intelligence of 10 another CI will be born. Once it has intelligence 16, draining intelligence is at a ratio of 5 drained points for one intelligence point for the CI:

INT 10-15: +2 to hit against normal creatures

+3 to hit / +4 to damage against fire-electricity using creatures

Sword has empathy

INT 16: True consciousness is now present.

+2 to hit normally

+4 to hit against fire-electricity using creatures

Damage absorption ratio is 5 hp for 1d6

Sword has telepathy

Lightning bolts are the same for a 16 CI

Saving throws against fire: success: Wielder takes no damage. Half the damage is absorbed in the sword

failed: Wielder takes half damage, 1/4 absorbed in sword

INT 17: Levitation upon wielder, when nicely asked (once a day)

Lightning bolts as the 17 CI

+3 on initiative (the sword has become almost weightless)

INT 18: Full psionic powers of an 18 CI are gained (but only the sword can use them, the wielder has to ask for it)

Damage absorption is 4 hp for 1d6

Lightning bolts as the 18 CI

The sword has now full powers and will decide upon its goal in life. Note that it has no true revenge feelings, since the living CI is another being than the one that was killed. However, it may have bad feelings about the fact that one of his kind was killed.

Should it decide to stay a sword, it shall always remain on INT 18, but it can drink intellect by draining points (which is a kind of drug). Note that it will be always hateful against intelligent creatures, since it sees them as rivals.

Should it decide to become a sphere, it loses the draining capacity, but can become a powerful 20 CI. When it chooses the sphere, it will ask the wielder to leave it behind in a secluded space. When the wielder refuses, it will use all his forces to make him do so and afterwards destroy him. Even when the wielder agrees, the chance of being killed is high, unless the sword is assured (by ESP for example) of the wielder's loyalty. This is because the conversion from blade to sphere is a delicate process and the CI wishes no intrusion.

Final note: feel free to change the chance of draining INT points and/or the ratio of draining INT points. The purpose was the sword should grow along in level as its wielder, until a final confrontation occurs.


Copycat Blade

<[email protected]>

Appearance: Sword hilt (no blade)

Magical adj.: +2


- At first this sword will appear to be trash, it has no blade, but it's a perfectly good hilt.

- If the hilt is grasped, however, and a command word said, the power of the blade is made known.

- By touching any substance, and using the command word, a blade for the sword comes into existence made of the same material as that touched. Therefore holding the blade up to a fire would produce a burning blade. A stone blade would be invulnerable to rust monsters and such, a blade of holy water (holy ice) would do appropriate damage against demons.

- Note that the magic can copy gold, silver, platinum, diamonds, etc., but breaking off the blade to use the raw material as currency ruins the magic of the sword.



Coward Sword

This appear to be a magical long sword, but whenever a character tries to use the sword against a monster whose level is greater than the plus of the sword, the sword will scream "Oh shit!" and put itself back in its sheat. The sword will not come out of its sheat until until the monster is no longer within striking distance. The sword is cursed so that the character who gets it will think it is the best sword in the world and will never get rid of it no matter how many times it gets him beat up and/or killed. The only way to free yourself of the sword's curse is to touch it to a Vacuous Hole or the like or to have a 20th level cleric remove curse.




NOTE: For use with Spelljammer...


Magical adj.: +1

Intelligence: 19

Ego: 6

Alignment: Neutral Good

Magical Abilities: Automatically refreshes personal air (1/hr)

Communicates by empathy

Detects spelljamming activity within 1,500 million miles, OR detects the

largest body within 3,000 million miles assuming at least an Earth-like

body exists (2/day)

Allows for flight (at 36", 1 hr/day, class B)



Demon Slayer (Devil Bane)

+5 vorpal vs. devils or demons.


Dragon Chopper

Magical adj.: +2 (see below...)

Intelligence: 11

Ego: 19

Alignment: Lawful Good

Magical abilities: Detect evil dragons 100' radius (glowing)

Triple damage against evil dragons on a natural 20

Telepathic in alignment tongue

Because of the nature of the sword, it can only be possessed by a paladin, ranger, or LG fighter.


How "Dragon Chopper" fell into the hands of Orcus: the story is similar to that of "Fire Biter". Its possessor grew so confident he single-handedly challenged Tiamat to a duel. Tiamat knew of this miscreant before he even entered her plane. She had all of her consorts beside her invisible. The Paladin sensed evil, but believed it to be Tiamat alone as well as the fact that he was in Hell. The Paladin rushed to attack and was blasted by the breath weapons of 6 of each type of dragon. The remains of the Paladin were never found. His sword miraculously survived. Orcus traded 6 hearts of each type of good dragon in exchange for this sword. He blasted the memory of this sword just as he did "Fire Biter".




This blade is the work of Anton the Smith, an elven metalworker and mage of great power. In balance and heft it is near perfection, giving a nonmagical +2 to hit, and +1 to damage from its edge. In addition to this, it is enchanted to affect almost any creature with its blade, and it damages creatures as if it was a +5 magical blade (though it derives no bonuses to accuracy or physical damage). A supplementary enchantment, added by Anton where 'space permitted', is a spell of skill. This enchantment lends the wielder proficiency in the use of the sword, as if the wielder were specialized. It will not add its skill to someone who is already specialized, however - it will only provide any necessary skills which are not already present. This enchantment also causes the sword to act in the same manner as a Cavalier's weapon of choice for number of attacks (the character has a number of attacks as if 5 levels higher).

The blade is somewhat intelligent, about the sentience level of a very young child: able to perceive the environment, understand things within its experience, and have somewhat undefined feelings of right and wrong. It is definitely on the side of 'good', but its morals are somewhat hazy. Most things are handled on a case by case basis, as offensive or acceptable or 'the right thing to do'. These feelings it can transmit to the wielder, with the wielder fully aware of the sword's approval or disapproval (yes, the owner is aware that these are emanating from the sword). The sword has no power to enforce its desires, but it can strengthen the power of its broadcast feelings, letting its owner know full well, constantly, just how upset the sword is. In other words, it can give headaches.

Anton's sword is a dark grey metal, similar in shape to a katana, and very undecorated. It will call to truly good (chaotic, neutral or lawful) characters within 20 feet (that is, if a truly good character passes by its current location and it does not have a current owner, the character will receive feelings of distress and need coming from the direction of the sword, and then relief and warmth when she takes the sword in hand).

Ebonblade is good for about a third level or better character, especially in games strong on role-playing (Ebonblade will tend to get lost in the shuffle in monty haul or hack-n-slash games). I don't generally like or use experience points given for possessing a magic item, but if I did, I would give about 1200 XP. Ebonblade is worth a lot of money, being a unique creation of Anton the Smith. Think 10,000+ gold in standard AD&D economy. Of course, any player who actually sold Ebonblade deserves the loss.


Emerald Sword

The blade of this sword +1 is made from purest emerald. When drawn, all within 30 feet of the sword must save vs. spells or become fascinated with the sword and not take any action for that round (associates of the sword bearer save at +4, dwarves save at -2, and gnomes and elves save at -1). The sword will inflict double damage on creatures from any elemental or para-elemental plane, and against such creatures it is a +2 sword.



Ethereal Blade

This silver bladed +1 sword appears simultaneously on the Prime Material Plane and on the Ethereal Plane. While carried there is a 1 in 20 chance per hour while sheathed (per turn while drawn) of something on the Ethereal Plane encountering it. Also the blade can go ethereal 3/day (taking the wielder with it). In the Ethereal Plane the blade is +2.



Fire Biter

Magical adj.: see below...

Intelligence: 10

Ego: 18

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Magical abilities: Detect evil fire using/dwelling creature 100' radius (glowing)

Triple damage against such creatures on a natural 20

Fire resistance for wielder

Telepathic in alignment tongue


How "Fire Biter" fell into Orcus possession: this pompous sword led its possessor through many a mighty battle. As their victories grew so did the ego of the sword and the fighter who possessed it. Believing their powers to be so great, they decided they could take on the queen of the fire elementals. They found a way to enter the elemental plane of fire. Unfortunately, the sword could not overcome the intense flames found there, let alone the flames of the queen of fire elementals herself. Orcus bargained it from her at the expense of 66 water elementals and a merman prince. All memories of these events have been blasted from the sword through Orcus black magic.




Flaming Wooden

A sword made of wood, which will burst into flames upon command. It starts as a two-handed sword, +4 to hit and damage after the command word is spoken (without being activated, the weapon is nothing more than an ornate club).

The flame lasts for 1 combat or 1 turn, whichever is shorter, or however the DM wants to work it. After the first use, it burns down to a wooden long sword, +3 to hit and damage, flames on command. In this same manner it goes from here to a +2 short sword, a +1 dagger and than a nice little pile of ashes. It sheds light in a 5' per plus radius, and yields the heat of a small campfire in the larger modes (suitable for saving someone from frostbite in a cold glacier cave at the DM's option).



Fool Sword

It is intelligent and speaks privately to the owner, claiming some pretty awesome powers. Every time the wielder tries to use one of the powers, however, the sword is able to come up with some good excuse why it shouldn't do it.

It will take a pretty long time to figure out that this sword is just bullshitting the wielder.



Gavin Hall Magebane

This sword ignores most magical protections. While ordinarily a +1 Sword, it ignores the AC bonuses for: Shield spells, Rings, Cloaks, and Bracers of Protection. It will go through, but not bring down Stoneskins and Walls of Force.



Guardian Blade

This blade does not normally glow. Its chief function is to lie upon or beside the sleeping character and warn of approaching danger. It can detect enemies like a wand of enemy detection within a 2" sphere. Upon detecting an enemy, the guardian will flash a single burst of light, telepathically alert its owner, and go out. This power can be used but once per day, and will operate continuously for a period of up to six hours. It may be used while the character is awake and moving but once-used it will not function again for twenty-four hours.


Hell Beater

Magical adj.: +3 (+5 vs. devils) (also see below)

Intelligence: 12

Ego: 20

Alignment: Lawful Good

Magical abilities: Double damage vs. devils (additional to the +5)

Destroys devils on a natural 20 if on Prime Material Plane

Detect presence of a devil (100 feet)

Telepathic in alignment tongue

(Note: can only be possessed by a paladin)


How "Hell Beater" came to be possessed by Orcus: like its two brother swords, this conceited sword goaded its possessor until he challenged Asmodeus. Asmodeus disarmed the Paladin and is using rings of longevity and regeneration to keep him alive for eternal torture and torment. Asmodeus sold the sword to Orcus for the head of a Astral Deva and another Paladin. Orcus removed the memory of this sword as well.

*Note this condition!* Devils will recognize this sword as Asmodeus's lure and will break from regular melee to attempt to bring the possessor back to Hell with them. They are promised greater status as a reward and know that Asmodeus is sincere regarding promises of this nature.



Holy Avenger +5

<Curtis Baum: [email protected]>

Does Damage according to Alignment

LG-NG-CG 2d4 2d6 2d8

LN-N-CN 4d4 4d6 4d8

LE-NE-CE 6d4 6d6 6d8


No Strength Bonuses. This weapon can adjust to any size, and can teleport itself at will (with or without another person). It speaks Common stuttering with a lisp, and speaks elven with a horrible French Accent!


Mage Doom

"Mage Bane", "Mage Striker", "Fighters Dream", "Triple Forged"


Legend (mortal): Created by three triplets. All three were mages, one a Wild Mage, the second an Invoker, the third a "standard" Mage. Made to be the bane of mages, it was given to the youngest of the the three, in order to kill their father. Of the three sisters, two died trying to keep the sword a secret, leaving the youngest to carry out the deed. The runes on it though, were weakening her, much as they had her sisters, increasing her hatred for her father. The two fought, and as she struck the killing blow, he also lashed out, killing her in one foul swoop. Their gigantic contest contained so much power that the very crust of the earth was weakened and it opened up beneath them. The sword is thought lost.


Legend (immortal): In fact created by one of Mystra's twin daughters. This sword is meant to be wielded by her champion in order to wipe all Wizards from the realms.



115 cm long, blue crystal blade embedded with 4 black opals around which runes are etched (though that are invisible to the naked eye). The hand guard is made of glass (glassteel) in the shape of a snake about to strike. The handle is made from a single (black) dragons tooth, which magically shapes itself to fit the wielders hand. The handle is partially hollow, the gap snugly fitting a diamond. The diamond is magical and has unknown powers. The pommel is made of the same substance as the blade and is spherical (unscrews).


Combat Bonuses: +3, +5 vs. Magic using creatures (e.g. Dragons and creatures with innate abilities), +7 vs. Human and Demi-human Mages.


Magical Abilities: When drawn from its scabbard, all the gems on the scabbard sparkle and glitter, and the snake hisses. A `Dispel Magic` comes into affect centered, but not affecting, the wielder. This happens up to three times every 24 hours and is equivalent to a mage casting it at the level of the wielder. The one of the following effects take place (If the effect cannot happen re-roll):


d20 Spell Effect # of uses

1-8 Gust of Wind 5/day

9-12 Monster Summoning IV 3/day

13-15 Great Shout 2/day

16-17 Animate Dead 2/day

18 Death Spell 1/day

19 Finger of Death 1/day

20 Power Word, Fire 1/week

These all function at level of wielder or 20th, whichever is highest.


Minor Abilities (+3, +5, +7): Detect Magic 25'

Detect Enemy 20'

Confers "one-weapon style" specialization X2


Speech and Telepathy

Read Magic

Fear Radius (mages at -3, magic using at -1)

False Vision

Confers 10% cumulative magic resistance

Detect scrying 100%


Major Abilities (+5, +7): Feeblemind * (20th level) 2/day

Lower Resistance * (20th level) First 2 strikes/day

Magic Negation * (see below) 1/day

Anti-Fly * (see below) 1/day


Greater Abilities (+7): Kaleidoscopic Strike * (25th) 1/day

Sword becomes +7, of wounding (see DMG for details)


* invoking these powers reduces the Charisma of the wielder by 1 permanently.


Magic Negation: At the will of the wielder (or so he/she thinks) the next successful strike on the enemy, discounting ALL magical protection brings down as many protections as the sword has +'s, further if there are no protection spells left, the sword may be willed to force other protections, destroying items of protection (e.g. Bracers of Defense), though these items do get a saving throw. This also causes the sword to temporarily looses the +'s it used, this lasts for 1d3 + 1 rounds. Though the defenses are permanently down.



This affects any being the wilder wishes who is nearby (within 100 feet) or in sight. This is VERY versatile, the wilder may want "all but those 2 and me" to be affected, this will affect any air-born being, even if the wielder was completely unaware of them.



Mage Masher

This +2 sword may only be used by fighters (including cavaliers and paladins but excluding rangers, barbarians, and multi-classed fighters), and in the hands of any other class it functions as a non-magical sword. It has a +3 bonus against magical creatures (ones with innate magical abilities) and a +4 bonus against magic-using creatures (ones who must learn and memorize magic-user or illusionist spells).




Appearance: Stone or bone sword

Magical adj.: +1 (this baby doesn't NEED magical bonuses!)


This is an enormously dangerous weapon. Always crafted from stone or bone and tempered in the blood of lava children, the MetalBlade ignores metal. Completely. Doesn't even know it's there. Passes right through it. So those fighters striding around in plate armor, sniggering, could be in for a shock... Ignore the AC of metal armor, but magical bonuses may or may not have their regular effects.


OathBreaker (Chain Breaker)

This sword releases its targets from any Gases, Charms, compulsions etc. whenever it does more than minimum damage. Further, it breaks bonds and chains as a much more powerful sword, as appropriate to its special purpose. The wielder cannot be geased, charmed, Suggested, Feared or affected by Emotion spells. Yes, hitting a Demon with it is very likely to free it of its bonds.



Pre-intelligent sword

That's right, it's not smart yet. Here's the deal...

An old paladin had spent his life on a quest to find a holy relic, and had sworn never to rest until he had recovered it. On his death bed, his quest still uncompleted, he begged the priests attending him to commission a local enchanter to create a vessel for him to continue his mission. A magnificent claymore was fashioned, enchanted to +3, set with the appropriate spells (including locate object, magic mouth, magic jar, and permanency) and was brought to him. He was to complete a ritual of purification, after which he would impale himself on the blade, transferring his life force to it, along with his sentience. He died during his final night of fasting, and the blade was taken to the temple vault where it was eventually forgotten. Eventually, it was taken by a thief, and later fell into the hands of a fighter. The blade has never killed, and is still waiting to transfer the last hit point from a sentient body to itself. In other words, the first vaguely intelligent thing this guy actually kills with the sword becomes it's personality!




A sword which give +5 to saving throws vs. illusions. In addition, any illusory creature hit by it would be instantly dispelled. It was also +1 vs. shadows and shadowy creatures.



Shadow Sword

Appears as a normal sword with a black blade. When someone picks it up, after a few seconds it vanishes. They can still feel the weight (only about two pounds) on their hand, but there's nothing there. Subsequently, any time they INTEND to have a sword (of whatever type) in their hand, the Shadow Sword will appear (in the expected form). It has no combat bonuses, except when fighting creatures of shadow, in which case it is +2, or in magical darkness (+1). Usually what happens is someone pick it up, it vanishes. Then in their experimentation (WHAT the HELL?) they will attempt to draw their own sword (thus desiring to have a sword in their hand), and it will appear in the proper form. It will remain until they put it down and someone picks it up again, or will it out of existence again. It's a neat sword, flashy, but it doesn't usually help in combat (BTW, it sheathes itself in the Border Ethereal).



Silver Sword

A completely normal short sword, except for two features: it's made of solid silver, and it's indestructible. Completely and utterly indestructible, unless you want to go to the extremes of artifact destruction methods.

It has no other bonuses.



This is a +1 sword but in the hands of a bard it can be commanded to sing. Whenever the command word is spoken the sword will compliment any song the bard sings for 2-8 rounds. This will give the bard a +15% to any song he sings during the 2-8 rounds. This ability can be used 4 times/day. The sword can also cast an Audible Glamer like a 7th level wizard twice a day.




It is believed that the fighter/mage elven kings of High folk were the first ones to create a Spellsword. Anyone can wield them, but only spell casters may truly benefit from their powers. This weapons usually have the form of a long or bastard sword +3. They have two powers:


* The wielder is not required to have simple or trivial material components for his spells. The sword can supply this magical energy instead. For example, the wielder is no longer required to have "a bit of fur and an amber, crystal or glass rod'' to cast a lightning bolt. Instead he could (for example) hold the sword in both hands, raise it above his head, utter some words of power, point it to the target and make the bolt sprout from the blade itself. Rare or expensive material components, however, are still required.

* The wielder may cast a memorized spell at the sword. Any spell will do. The sword will then receive an extra damage bonus equal to the level of the spell. This effect lasts for 1 round per level of the caster. It is possible to cast several spells in sequence, but the maximum total bonus the sword can have (including it's original +3) can not exceed the caster's level. The caster can not boost the sword's power in this manner and then give it for someone else to use. Doing this immediately breaks the spell(s) and the sword reverts to a +3 blade.




When this sword is unsheathed under a starry night's sky and the command word is spoken, all touching it will be teleported to any location they desire, usually. Roll 5d6, and subtract the result from 16. Multiply that number by 10 to give the distance in miles from the target and determine the direction randomly.




This blade never strikes a friend. On fumble results where the blade would strike a friend or the wielder, or fly from his hand, treat as no result. Further, the blade "knows its target", it isn't fooled by illusions, Displacements, Blinks, etc. If the blade is actually intelligent, it will be reluctant to fight in certain circumstances, such as fighting a charmed opponent, or otherwise beguiled.



Sword Mundane

The Sword Mundane is a very powerful magic item. The sword has no plusses, and if Detect Magic is cast on it, none will be detected. However, when drawn, the sword creates a 20' sphere in which no magic functions. Natural abilities like dragon breath and petrifaction abilities of medusa, for example, are another matter however. Spells cast from outside the area of effect only function if the spell has a physical manifestation, such as fire or cold. Purely magical energy, such as illusion, charms and sleep spells, fail to function in the area of effect. This extends to magic items, including those of the wielder, which fail to function at all. The effect is dispelled when the sword is sheathed. The sword itself resembles a katana with a wider blade, and does 1d10 damage in all size categories.


Sword of Canine Attraction

Magical Adj.: +1 (hit/dam)


This little oddity was last reported in PM 26565, a small splinter of reality near Toril space. This is a rather finely made weapon, whose most notable property is that it is made completely from the legbone of a dragon of unknown species. Its main enchantment is that every canine creature who sees it must posses it (no save). They will follow the sword around until they have an opportunity to grab it, in which case they will make off with it and bury it somewhere. And yes, they will follow it if you throw it.

Personal suggestion: don't let your players know its power... Watch them panic the next time they walk about in a city!



Sword of Darkness

This sword features a permanent "Darkness, 15 feet radius" spell centered on it at all times, even when not wielded. The wielder can not see through such magical Darkness. The sword do not give other magic bonuses and any dispelled darkness will come back in 1d4 rounds.



Sword of Dismemberment

Whoever touches this sword unsheathed immediately starts swinging wildly. Each round, the wielder has a high probability of hacking off one of his own limbs or even their head. This cursed sword was owned by Lord Broverick, whose favorite tactic was to disarm a foe, then say "I will not fight an unarmed man", and toss him the sheathed sword, or slide it to him unsheathed with the tip of his own blade. His foe would proceed to neatly carve himself up.


Sword of Familiarity (Rotweiler)

The sword is the greatest masterwork of Kes; done when he was at 19th level. It emits radiation of Enchantment/Charm and Lesser Divination. The sword looks like a regular metal long sword with a picture of a shepherd dog on the handle (a rotweiler).

The sword had no powers when it was created. This is one of the reasons Kes created it this way: he didn't want to spend to much power on it. Instead it takes it's power from the wielder. When it is created it is made of three parts. When combined into one it creates a link with the one which connected it, becomes one as if never broken, and becomes extremely loyal to the owner. This connection lowers 1 Constitution point from the connector.

The sword has it's own level which goes up as the owner fights with it. This power is taken from the wielder, but as 1 Constitution point was already removed the owner isn't harmed further. The level determines which bonuses the sword has. It also determines how strong an alignment it radiates.

It radiates in the wielder alignment when lvl. 1-4 :weakly aligned

5-8 :medium aligned

9-12: strongly aligned

13- :very strong aligned.

When the sword breaks or the owner dies (which causes it's breaking) the sword lets all the energy accumulated inside blow up and damages all around. If the sword is medium aligned or further (over 5), the damage is given first to the ones with alignment most far from the wielder. If the sword breaks up before the wielder dies he suffers some damage according to the sword level (see table).

Kes created the sword partly as an experiment which he never got to perform. Therefore it created a faint magical cord which is attached to it and can act as a guiding signal for a wizard who knows about it and tries to find it. A detect magic from a high level MU (or successful throw) can see it.


table 1:

all bonuses are accumulative


level| turns | damage | bonuses |special

| needed | when | th |da |sp |

| | broken | | | |


Weakly Aligned

1 | 0 | 1d10 | +1 | | | -1 con when connected

2 | 2 | 3d6 | |+1 | | when broken and owner is alive he feels

| | | | | | great loss and suffers 1d10 in pain

3 | 4 | 3d10 | | | 3/2| the wielder feels good when holding

4 | 8 | 4d8 | +2 | | |

Medium Aligned

5 | 16 | 6d8 | |+2 | | pushes wielder to fight against opposite

| | | | | | alignment giving extra +1 +1

6 | 32 | 6d10 | | | | +1 con +1 STR +1 DEX. When held it holds

| | | | | | hand back (like an handshake).2d10 pain

7 | 64 | 7d10 | +3 | | |

8 | 125 | 8d10 | |+3 | | -1 AC. 3d10 pain

Strongly Aligned

9 | 250 | | | | 2/1| gives -1,-1 against own alignment

10 | 500 | 9d10 | +4 | | | regenerate 1hp/round in fight. 4d10 pain

11 | 1000 | 10d10 | |+4 | | would not leave hand. When one insist

| | | | | | will do 1d10 and leave. Does another 1d10

| | | | | | if put in scabbard.

12 | 2000 | 12d10 | +5 |+5 | 5/2| when broken-like familiar +5d10 pain

Very Strongly Aligned

13 | 4000 | 14d10 | +6 |+6 | 3/1| will not fight against own alignment

Each level afterwards is:

| +2000 | +2d10 | +1 |+1 |+1/2|

| | | | | |


table 2: what will it do when held by some other fighter?


It will never fight exactly like by the hands of the owner...


\ distance| | |

\ | | |

\ | | |

\ | | |

level \ | 0 | 2 | 4


| | |

1-4 | as regular| -1 -1 | can't hold

| sword | |

| | |

| | |

5-8 | -1 -1 | can't hold | does 1d10 magic. ST 50% V magic

| | |

| | |

| | |

9-12 | can't hold| 1d10 as in | 2d10. No ST.

| | 5-8/4 |

| | |

| | |

13- | 1d10 | 2d10 | 4d10. No ST.

| | |

| | |



Sword of Fear

Seeing this sword, every enemy(!) immediately makes a morale-check (like a normal morale-check). Further the sword is like a normal sword, only the lemmet has the figure of a black dragon!



Sword of Frenzy

<Robert Johan Enters: [email protected]>

These swords are generally +2 or higher, and have no extra effects unless the wielder has a dexterity of 15 or higher. If this is the case, then the wielder can opt to forego his or her AC bonus in order to gain extra attacks. For every two points of DEX an extra attack can be gained. i.e. one for DEX 15-16, two for DEX 17-18 etc. not all points need be given up for extra attacks. Thus someone with DEX 17 could choose to give up two points for one extra attack, and still retain one bonus point toward AC.



Sword of Gaseous Form (Sword of Fiery Throat)

On natural roll of 20 the sword releases a spray to the target's face, blinding him for 1d4 rounds, and making his throat burn.



Sword of Gleaming

<Wes Contreras: [email protected]>

This blade, whenever held by a living creature, will always reflect all light in the area, making the blade gleam brightly. It is not bright enough to blind creatures, or otherwise harm anything, but it is plainly visible to anyone in the area, as long as there is at least the equivalent of moonlight available to be reflected. This radiates a faint aura of alteration.


Sword of Healing (+5 Sword of Cure Serious Wounds)

Instead of causing 1d8 damage + STR + weapon bonus, it returns 1d8 + STR bonus to damage + 5 hit points back to person struck. It is not possible to tell be merely watching combat that this sword heals wounds for the wounds merely close by natural means, i.e. clotting, etc. This sword cancels the effects of sword of wounding. This sword might be considered cursed until the actual powers of the sword are revealed.



Sword of Intercession

This magical weapon is a holy (or unholy) sword that always has an alignment and a patron deity. A character of any alignment may wield a sword of intercession, but it will function as a normal, non-magical weapon. A character of the same alignment as the sword may wield it as a +2 weapon. A character who worships the sword's patron deity may wield it as a +4 sword, and in addition gains a 5% magic resistance and a +2 bonus on all saving throws so long as the sword is held or carried. Such a character will also be able to commune with his deity once per week, asking one yes-or-no question at that time. The sword will not work for those who have only converted to their new alignment or religion within the last year.


Sword of Palaodrin

Intelligence: 17

Ego: 21

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

To hit/damage adjustment: +5

Speaks the following languages: Lawful Neutral, Elfish, Dwarfish, Neutral

Special Abilities: Detect Sloping Passages (1" radius)

Detect Magic (3" radius)

Detect Shifting Walls, Rooms, Elevators (1" radius)

Regeneration (2 points/turn)

Pass without Trace (1 time/day)

Death Ray (1 time/day)

Plane Shift (1 time/day)

Lightning Bolt (4-6 Hit Dice, 2 times/day)

Teleportation (1 time/day)

Slay Evil

Sever Neck on Roll of 16 or Higher (victim up to 10' tall)

Triple Damage plus modifier versus Evil

Double Damage versus Good (no modifier)

Immune to Disease and Gas

Protection +5 (3 times/day for 10 turns)

Deflect Magic (on command up to 7 times/day)

Affects to Personal Attributes: Major Attribute Raised to 19 Permanently

Lose 1 Point of Constitution Permanently

Storm Giant Strength (2 times/day for 2 turns each)

Deafness for 1-4 turns when first used versus Enemy

Blindness for 1-4 rounds during first combat each day


* History of Origin *

Several thousands of years ago, a city named Palaodrin existed center of the Prime Material Plane. It was inhabited by being of lawful neutral, neutral, and chaotic neutral alignments only. And these beings fought for the purpose of Neutrality, i.e. to maintain the balance between good and evil. Although their work was done subtlety and secretly behind the walls of Palaodrin, it was sometimes necessary for the citizens to take up arms. Many of the inhabitants were poor warriors, and the citizens themselves were few in number. So it was that they recognized the need for a weapon of great power as their defense. Since good beings tended to recognize a form or law of balance, the citizens decided that it would be best to make the sword more powerful against evil than good. For centuries and millennia, Palaodrin stood as an island amidst the struggle for power, and the Sword, as well as other relics they created, defended the city against all invaders. But when news spread, some of the good beings wondered if such power was evil. The forces of evil saw this doubt spreading its way through the forces of good and took advantage of it. Through trickery and deceit, evil was able to join good in a combined crusade against their common enemy. But, while Good hoped to destroy the power of Palaodrin, Evil sought to gain it. The city was overwhelmed by the combined forces, unable to defend against both Good and Evil at the same time. Palaodrin fell. During the fighting, Mephistopheles searched for the sword which was not a difficult task. With its power he could overthrow Asmodeus and defeat Good, but when he went to take the sword, he found himself wounded and the Sword gone. Although Good had thought the Sword had been destroyed, there have been those who have felt that the Sword of Palaodrin used its power of teleportation to escape both Good and Evil, and none have been able to find it since.

Next, the Sword of Palaodrin is a little out of hand so here are my suggestions to all you DMs:

1) The Sword must remain with both SLAY GOOD and SLAY EVIL. This will keeps its origin and goals intact.

2) Choose any two Special powers other than those mentioned above. This also keeps any players reading this from knowing the whole story.

3) Remember the Sword has an ego of *21*. Play it as such. It gets interesting when the two egotists clash.

4) Choose one ability from each ability, i.e. detection, immunities, protection, and side effects. I suggest that the personal attribute modifier be -1 permanently on the players Constitution.


Sword of Percival Ironheart

This sword radiates Lawful Good magic and is +2 vs. evil opponents. It can speak Common and Legal and can detect gold within 60'. In a pitched battle when its owner's life is seriously threatened by an evil opponent, on a natural 20 to hit this sword turns the opponent to solid gold (save vs. petrifaction). Any attempt to exploit the sword for the sake of producing gold has a 15% cumulative for a fumble turning the user or exploiter to gold. The sword may not mention the gold making ability so as not to encourage greed.



Sword of Reincarnation

This is a +2 sword that automatically kills on a natural 20 (DM may optionally allow a saving throw versus death magic). Any creature killed by this sword is reincarnated. The slain will remember the last hours of its life (like who killed him)!

It can be strange being hunted down by rabid squirrels...




Swords of the Magi

Occurrence: 2 each of long, broad, short, falchion, etc.

Magical adj.: +1 (normally and for illusionists) +2 for magi

When used by a mage (not an illusionist):

traitor. :-) - lowers AC by 2

- doubles the hit points of the mage temporarily

- allows mage to attack as a fighter of equal level


fatigued hour.


It is light (magically) and can be wielded by even the weakest mage.

Note: mullet-class and illusionists use it as a +1 sword.


Sword of the Night, +1

Though most magical swords shed light, a sword of night, also known as a black sword, sheds darkness. The sword's wielder determines the radius of the sphere of darkness given off by the sword; it can be from 5' to 25', in 5-foot increments. Within this radius, all creatures but the sword's wielder will be unable to see and will suffer a -4 penalty to hit on their attacks, as well as losing any armor class bonus for dexterity. Infravision and ultravision are similarly useless within this radius. The sword's user may see normally in all respects, however, and can use the sword as a +1 weapon to hit and on damage. The sword can also cause fear in all creatures within the darkness who fail a saving throw vs. spell (with wisdom bonuses applicable). This fear power is generated at the wielder's unspoken command, and may be produced up to three times per day. Creatures affected by the fear will move away from the darkness at full speed for 2-7 rounds.

A light spell cast at the sword will negate all of its powers (except for its +1 combat bonus) for one round per level of the caster, if the sword fails to save vs. lightning (as hard metal). A continual light spell negates the darkness powers for twice as long, and the save is made at a -3 penalty.



Sword of Travel.

This sword was developed in my world. It gives the wielder the ability to travel at twice his normal rate.

It also is a +3 to hit and +3 damage. It is neutral. The sword has a gold tint except for the hilt which appears black. There is a stone in the bottom of the hilt that would appear to show the stars in the night sky. If the stone is ever removed the sword will turn to dust.



Sword +1, Deplorable Talker

It doesn't have much in the way of useful abilities (it might have been able to levitate itself, I don't remember), but it spent hours regaling us with tales of the exploits of its Uncle Max. Loudly.






Sword +1, +9 Backstabber

The sword functioned as a +1 sword in normal combat, but during a backstab it would be +9. The problem is, that if it hits with a successful backstab attack, the wielder is dimensioned door'ed in a random direction and distance away.




It is an elfish sword. Sylvanglade is made out of the wood of a tree sacred to elves (the tree is nourished with a fertilizer with a high-mithril content, and the wood, once shaped into weapons, is indistinguishable from steel. It saves as wood +3. Moreover, because this is elfish magic, "normal" magic -the type the PC's probably use- will have no effect on the blade. Detect magic, dispel magic and even anti-magic shell will not negate the powers of this elven blade).

In any event, Sylvanglade (and its twin Greencopse which was destroyed or so say the legends) is a silvery rapier with an ornate golden cup to protect the hand. The hilt is wrapped in silver wire. The blades were used for ceremonial battles between the champions of elfish kingdoms. The blade has one unique ability; it temporarily negates the enchantment on the blade of the opponent (thus, if the opponent has a long sword +5 it operates as a simple long sword). If there is more than attacker then only the first attacker of the round has his "plusses" negated if Sylvanglade's wielder does not specify otherwise. As said, the rapier was used for ceremonial battles, and the elves believed that victory should go to the combatant who had the greater skill, not the better sword. Sylvanglade does NOT negate other special abilities (vorpal sword, flame tongue, etc.) nor does it provide any "plusses" of its own.

Last known Sylvanglade was in the hands of House Ourain, one ofthe royal familys of thelpas. It has been used by the elves for centuries (millennia?) and thus they would take its loss or theft extremely badly.




+2 hit +2 Damage INT 14

Sword of Dancing once a day (or life/death situation)

Str and Con bonus once per day (or life/death situation) +1 each.

The sword alignment is Lawful Good.


The sword was possessed by a spirit that was killed battling demons (i.e. demon web pits). The stats and the personality of the trapped spirit can be customized to fit your campaign.


The Crystal Blades (StormBlades)

Magical adj.: +3 swords (There are nine)

Intelligence: 16

Ego: 16


4 long swords Extremes (LG, CG, LE, CE)

2 broad swords Neutral Good and Neutral Evil

2 short swords Lawful Neutral and Chaotic Neutral

1 two-handed sword Neutral (Pure)


Magical abilities: Detect Law/Chaos (30' radius)

Dispel Magic (2/day)

Lightning Bolt (8 HD; 1/day; 360' range)

Invisibility (on wielder/sword; 3/day)

Become Ethereal (owner/gear affected; 1/day at will)

No plusses lost as the swords go to other planes.

Speaks 4 languages two of which are common & old common (DM chooses others but
they may not be dragon, demon, devil, titan, etc.


Each sword's blade is made of Glassteeled Adamite, hence the names. In combat, the blade darkens to a misty black color (hence the other name, StormBlades). Although the personality of each sword is different depending on its preferred alignment (and each has its own unique name, as well), the magical abilities of the swords are the same.


The Fang of Ssussathilasiss:

History: long ago (ages) The Suzerain of the blue dragons of The great desert (Anauroch if you like) was approaching his final days and decided to begin the competitions for a new suzerain. A group of less than lawful dragons began constructing a plot against the elder that involved the help of the human Archmage Tyvek.

Tyvek and the Chaotic blues used many powerful necromantic magic to weaken Ssuss and placed his spirit into the blade (it is thought that Tyvek craved magical might and was able to convince the rogue blues to allow him to trap rather than kill the elder blue's spirit). Thus was Created the Fang of Sss.


Campaign use: due to his vaunted immortality, the blade may still be in the hands of Tyvek. In this case it is of utmost importance to rid him of the blade as it is quite powerful, and could allow the now Warrior/mage to carve out a sizable empire. Which, we all know, would be ruled with a tyrannical and iron fist. Or you can use it a ...as a nifty lure to get your PC's into the desert. Fighters that hear legends of it's prowess may well be leading the party (ahead of the mages).
Powers: Constant: +4,+5 vs. Blue Dragons (slayer) Invoked: 3/day, a blast of lightning 5' wide and 100 ft long. It inflicts 24d8+12 points of damage.

3/day, a Fireball, which has range 200' feet (hurled by blade) and inflicts 15d6 damage.


Immunities: the bearer of the fang is immune to both flame and electricity.


Curse: the bearer loses 3 points of charisma to humans and demi-humas due to his/her greedy nature. Will begin acting LE, and the DM should attempt to lure the PC into behaving miserly. Blue dragons however, will recognize the blade, and treat it's owner as kindred, though not the ruling Suzerain! This particular dragon may hear of the mortal and come gunning for him.


Cataclysm: there is a 1% cumulative chance that a 10 mile radius Lightning Storm will strike the area. there are 432 bolts called down upon random targets, these bolts inflict 10d10 points of damage.


Methods of destruction: Slay all surviving relatives of the Traitorous group of Blue dragons.

Travel back in time and slay the actual traitors AND Tyvek.

Give the blade to Tiamat willingly, and ask for a reward. (the reward has a 85% chance of being a swift death, otherwise she may well raise them a level and ask them to leave. Later it will be found out that the spirit now serves as a consort to the queen dragon, a fate not wholly unacceptable to the blue).



Urt Gollen

Urt Gollen is a backstabbing weapon made from the bone of a black dragon thigh bone. Its handle is composed of dark stone and wood, possible ebony and basalt, the bone spur is a gleaming black and continually oozes acid, the wielder can halt this at will. When used to backstab, Urt Gollen inflicts 3-12 points of damage and its acid causes 2-40 points of damage per round for 5 rounds unless washed off.



The WereBlade is a doppleganger of swords, a shape-changer. Usually, it looks to be an ordinary, but magic-radiating, dueling saber. In combat against another sword, even two-handed, it takes on the qualities and special abilities of the opponent's sword (unless, of course, the other sword is crappy and breaks; the WereBlade saves as a magical sword). Against more than one sword, the WereBlade takes on the qualities of the most powerful one.

The original WereBlade was made for a Duelist by the name of Geeves, in Cormyr of the Forgotten Realms (In my campaign). In following my interpretation of the Duelist class and its "honor", I designed the Were-blade to reflect the Duelist's desire to win a fight by skill and not by magical advantage. The Duelist usually has enough proficiencies to handle all the swords into which the WereBlade might change. The WereBlade has limited telepathy, enough to let its user know what abilities it has taken on in each combat (i.e. whether that opponent's sword can cast a fireball once a week, and, therefore, so can the Were-blade, for that combat).

This weapon may suck for any character going up against a creature which needs a +2 weapon to hit it but is attacking the character with a regular long sword...


Two-handed swords




Biter is a +3 estoc, a weapon inspired by the german estoc, in essence a two handed, 3 foot long stiletto. It ignores nonmagical armor, which means that leather +5 will only help you achieve AC 8 against it. Biter was actually made by good mages for the purpose of defeating evil warriors, but is non-intelligent and can be wielded by anyone, it strikes as +5 for purpose of who can be hit by it.




DragonDeath is a magical (+3) two-handed sword. It is +4 vs. reptiles, +5 vs. dragons, end +6 vs. wyrms (true dragons in my campaign). It has a tendency to glow when in presence of these creatures which it detests within an unholy wrath, and in the presence of wyrms, the weapon attains dancing capabilities, striking as its wielder for 1d12 rounds before returning.

Note: regardless of circumstances, the weapon may dance only once per day.




Here's a sword (actually 3) I created for my home built campaign. They are the dragon's tongues and are all two-handed swords.



The dragons' tongues were forged by a Grand master of Balance (in my campaign I have three orders of monks LN-order of balance, LG-order of flowers, LE-order of darkness) to counter extremes. He wanted to keep the balance, with a powerful weapon that in itself is balanced. He sought out a huge, ancient red dragon and gold dragon and slew them both (fist ed. dragons remember & a 21st level monk). These two dragons were the most powerful of their kind and completely, totally opposed in their ethos. With the help of a powerful wizard and Primus, God type in Nirvana, he fused the tongues of the two dragons together to create a powerful, but highly unstable, instrument of neutrality. He used this two handed sword to keep the balance in his realm for five years at which point the opposed spirits within the sword split apart in a fiery cataclysm (always wanted to say that) and were tossed to opposite ends of the planet. Now, only in time of great need can one (one of great power and representative of neutrality) call upon the two swords to join together to put down an extreme.



Gold dragon (flame) tongue: Acts as normal flame tongue (as in DMG) & when attacking CE beings the wielder receives a +1 bonus to hit and +2 bonus to damage & if an evil being attempts to pick up this item they must save vs. Magic or be slain, 3-30 pt. damage if save is made. Red dragon (flame) tongue: Has the same abilities but effecting good instead of evil.

Abilities of the two joined together:

Normal flame tongue properties, and the union of the two spirits awakens them from their dormant state (the weapon will only stay together for 1-4 days at which point it will separate and can not be rejoined for 10 years). The wielder is immune to all flame and can issue forth a cone of fire from the blade causing 10-100 pt. of damage three times a day. The wielder may also cast any MU spell from 1st through 3rd level once a day.


Final Justice

Final Justice is a great sword (I suppose it is most similar to a two handed sword) of power. It is +1 to hit in general, +2 versus Neutral characters or monsters, +3 against Evil or Chaotic alignments, and +5 against Chaotic Evil. In addition, those creatures which are from the infernal planes take double damage from the blade when it strikes (bonuses to damage are added after the doubling, not before).

The sword has a form of ESP, and is capable of telling if another creature has broken a law or committed a truly evil act (or both) within the past 24 hours. Breaking the law consists only of those things which might be punishable by death or something similar (such as being blinded or de-handed). Truly evil acts include murder (without excellent reason), rape, torture, and knowingly sentencing (by word, deed, or silence) another person to any of these.

If it senses such a person nearby, the sword will urge its bearer to take the person to the authorities, or kill the person if no authorities are present (although it is not adverse to killing regardless as long as good enough reason exists). Note that if the bearer is such a person, the sword will urge the bearer to do so to himself! Indeed, in this case an Ego check must be made not to obey...

Final Justice has an Intelligence of 13 and an Ego of 18 (but has an Ego of 25 versus any bearer who has committed an act of evil or broken a law under the normal conditions for the sword). Final Justice is considered to be Lawful Good (painfully so).




Two-handed frost brand Sword

Intelligence: 14

Languages: Chaotic Neutral, Common, and Gargoyle


In addition to the frost brand abilities (+3, +6 vs. fire/fire using creatures; 50% chance of extinguishing magical or non-magical fires in a 10' radius, it casts strength on its wielder twice a day (3 hours duration), and casts heal once per day.

Horgon is a gruff, brooding sword that speaks in a deep voice and shouts "DIE, FIRE GIANT SCUM" when striking a Fire Giant. It has similar messages for other fire using creatures. He gets along all right with his wielder and other fighters or people who are CN. He doesn't really like Wilde, the other intelligent flame tongue long sword.

Horgon's primary goal is glory.




This two-handed sword is +1 to hit and +2 damage. When the wielder holds it firmly in front of him shouting "IRONFIST", the blade polymorph itself into a huge arm with powers equivalent to the Bigby's Crushing Hand spell. This can be done three times per day.


Rogenwhor, Sword of Might

Two-handed sword +3

Wielder is compelled to call sword by full name, while the sword keeps saying, "The name's Roger!".

He gets offended when people refer to him as a bastard sword, and replies, "Hey, I don't call you a bastard <enter race here>!", unless, of course, it is a half-elf wielding it, in which case he would just mutter to himself.

Roger has two modes of communication, speech and telepathy. However, he uses them at in opportune times. He will speak telepathically, when in public, and when the owner talks to his sword, he looks crazy. He will speak loudly when you are trying to sleep, or are trying to sneak somewhere. Roger can read his wielders mind as well, but doesn't tell his owner that. Roger was made to kill those races which make up the "giant class", and therefore can speak all of those languages very fluently, but prefers to just scream the most foul taunts at it's opponents, if they are of the giant class.

The special power of the sword is it ability to fire a lightning bolt as a 15th level wizard, once per day. Roger will not tell his owner of this ability, unless it is a matter of life and death.

Roger is of Chaotic Good alignment, and can only be used by people of Good alignments. If an Neutral person touches the sword, they will be jolted for no damage. If an Evil person touches the sword, they will be jolted for 10 points of damage, with no saving throw.

Rogenwohr (pronounced ROW JEN WHORE) is crafted of adamant, mythril, and platinum. The blade is pure adamant, while the hilt is made of a mixture of mythril, and platinum.

It is rumored that the spirit of Rogenwohr was a ranger in his former life.



Spirit's Reach

This weapon is a two handed sword. Its handle and hilt are done in a bird motif, the primary elements are ivory and silver in a bird shape. The blade is nondescript and made of a dull grey metal that holds a keen edge, its composition is indeterminable by mortal magic. Spirit's Reach is +3,+5 vs. outer planar evils. Its primary purpose is to defeat both agents of the blood war, it accomplishes this through the power of disintegration (as DMG section for special purpose). Its most remarkable ability is that it carries damage across planes to the true body of the fiend it is slaying, so if it is killed in a hit point for hit point fight on this plane it will die on it's home plane. The disintegration power does not carry across the planes. Spirit's Reach is possessed by the spirit of a Coatl, granting its owner the ability to go ethereal as the psi devotion 3 times a day for a duration of 2 turns. It speaks aloud and telepathically to its owner and can translate any language.

Spirit's Reach is CG aligned and will not allow itself to fall into evil possession.

Demons can sense the nature of this damage and will take appropriate action against the wielder.



These mighty blades are huge two handed swords. Nine are known to exist, one for each alignment. These blades are extremely powerful, and one will only allow itself to be used by mortals if some dire threat exists to its alignment that said mortal can somehow rectify. The blades are +7 for to hit and damage purposes. They are highly intelligent (INT 25), and will only cooperate with an individual of the same alignment. The sword is too heavy to be used by anyone with a strength below 25, however if the sword allows itself to be used, then it will bestow such strength on its wielder while being in active use. Furthermore the sword will bond with the wielder, fusing its life force with that of the wielder. This effectively gives the wielder an additional 100 hp while in contact with the blade. (For damage purposes, if for example a fifty hp creature wields a starblade, every third hp of damage suffered will be subtracted from the char itself etc.) The sword is in telepathic link with the wielder, allowing the wielder to use the 25 intelligence toward illusions detecting purposes. Furthermore, regardless of alignment, all swords bestow the following powers upon their wielders: detect magic, detect invisibility, detect evil/good, dispel illusion on touch, immunity to fear and charm/sleep type powers and spells, IR 120', UV 120', Globe of invulnerability, tongues.

Then there are powers dependent on which alignment the blade is.


Alignment of Power Power Power

Sword: Once/Day: Twice/Day: Four/Day:

Lawful Good Holy Word Heal Lightn Bolt

Neutral Good Holy Word Heal Shock Grasp

Chaotic Good Holy Word Polymorph Self Shock Grasp

Lawful Neutral Prism Spray Dim Door Ice Storm

True Neutral Prism Spray Teleport no err Cone Cold

Chaotic Neutral Prism Spray Dim Door Ice Storm

Lawful Evil Unholy Word Polymorph Other Burn Hands

Neutral Evil Unholy Word Harm Burn Hands

Chaotic Evil Unholy Word Harm Fire Ball


All effects of once per day are at 24th lvl., all effects of twice per day are at 16th lvl., all effects of four times a day are at 8th level. Should the wielder be slain while wielding the sword, thus also having depleted the sword's hit points, the sword 'dies' on this plane, and will automatically be transported to its own alignment's plane to be 'regenerated', a process that takes d10 years. During the Azithian Race wars, four of these blades were known to have been in use. The Chaotic Good blade was in the hands of the brilliant general Sarpedon of Cron Shander. Cron Shander sided with Piraz the Mad, and was leveled in the final days of the war, when Piraz was already killed. Azith Dengg is rumored to have been personally responsible for the kill. The Lawful Neutral blade was wielded by the sorcerer Szartax VI, descendant of the warrior to whom is named the armor. He used it to great effect in the defense of the Capital of Szartax. He killed Anchises, when his strike team, by then grown into a veritable army of drow, goblins and human thugs, attempted a too bold stroke of torching the cities grain supplies. Due to the sword Szartax VI saw through their covering illusions, not one in ten of Anchises' band survived the trap laid for them. The Neutral Evil and Chaotic Evil blades were used to great effect by the great drow and ogre generals Phaedra and Megaera. The current locations of none of the blades is known, though the lawful evil sword is most likely in the hands of the Royal House of the Drow. Both Szartax VI and Sarpedon were members of the Council of Twelve.




(+2 2-handed sword)

Creates a faerie fire around any opponent within 10' radius of wielder.


Sword of Piraz the Mad

<Robert Johan Enters: [email protected]>

This great two handed blade can only be wielded by those possessing a strength of 18/00 or greater. (the great warrior Piraz was rumored to have had a natural strength of 19, AND used a belt of storm giant strength) This great mithral blade is unaffected by any spells itself and conveys a 50% magic resistance upon the wearer while wielded. Furthermore the blade is not affected by any form of metal. Hence when using the weapon on armored opponents, any metallic armor, even if magical, this armor can be discounted for to hit purposes since the blade will slice right through it. This effect can also destroy the weapons of those being fought, or used to slice through iron doors, chains and other metal items. Note that this can be very destructive for the armor of the opponent, DM's discretion will be needed to impose AC penalties on those whose armor's have been ravaged by this blade. The sword has a magical bonus of +4, and does double the damage of a normal two handed sword. The handle of the sword is made of gold and set with a huge ruby containing the soul of an ancient arch-demon.



Sword of Warding

This two handed sword +3 sheds a light that is harmful to undead. The light will act as a cleric of level 12 in terms of turning undead. Those undead that cannot escape the light (i.e. are forced to be within 20' of the sword) are weakened 1 hp per round. The sword is only usable by good characters, the moment an evil character touches the sword, it flares up and delivers burning damage of 4d8 regardless of protection the evil character might be toting.



Treasure Sword

This sword can be wielded only by a good character (any fighter class) against evil character only - will not damage neutral characters, even those threatening the wielder. Treasure swords are intelligent, +3 two-handed swords. Emanate sunlight which destroys vampires on sight, stuns or makes flee other lesser undead, and gives combat penalty equivalent to Bestow curse to greater undead. Gives equivalent of protection from evil to its wielder. These swords cannot be purchased or given - the sword itself guides a worthy character to itself guides a worthy character to itself trough dreams, animals, etc. The character must be on a quest for a good cause to find the sword (let DM decide which cause is important enough). The sword will disappear after completion of the quest - goes back to its resting place in the ground. The sword is protected by powerful magic, and cannot be found unless the sword wants it.


The Twelve Swords


The gods (a mixed Greek and Roman pantheon) created the Twelve Swords as a game. They would scatter them among humans, to their chosen champions, and see whose player could collect them all. Much to their dismay the gods discovered that these weapons were powerful enough to work on the gods themselves. These Swords have claimed the lives of many a holy, and unholy, beings.

All of the Swords look identical except for a small white symbol etched into on side of the black hilt. The blade is a little over three feet long, and with a molted steel color.


Game Statistic:

They may be treated as a long sword and/or a bastard sword. All of the swords are unbreakable (except as noted in Shieldbreaker's description).

They retain an extremely keen edge no matter what they cut or are struck against.

Unless otherwise stated each weapon is +1 "to hit" and +3 damage.




The Sword of Force

Symbol: warhammer

The most powerful of the twelve. As Vulcan's prized weapon, he invested a great deal of his essence into the blade. The Sword prevents any harm to come to the wielder from any type of weapon or spell (direct or indirect/physical or mental). As long as someone is engaging the wielder in combat he cannot release the Sword (he does not have to draw it, and may release it after all opponents disengage). The only thing that the Sword will not effect is unharmed opponents: if anyone or thing that attacks without weapons (or spells) the Sword will pass, harmlessly, through them as if they were made of air. The other disadvantage is that the Sword increases it's strength by drawing from the wielder, for every five rounds of combat it reduces the wielder's Strength by one (i.e. 2 points of STR per turn). The wielder is not effected by this loss until all combat is done and the magic of the Sword no longer supports him. If the wielder is below one point of Strength, he will be comatose until he reaches 1 point; regaining one point a day. After this he will regain 3 points per day for total rest, or 1 point a day for resting and traveling (riding ONLY).



Dispels all spells used against wielder.

For every person who attacks the wielder with a weapon or spell (in melee range) the sword will: d100:

1 - 20% Destroys their weapon.

21 - 40% Cuts off one hand/arm

41 - 45% Cuts off both hands/arms

46 - 50% Cuts off one leg

51 -100% Kills (no save)

There is no save for any of these effects. Magic armor offers no benefit at all, nor will a Stoneskin absorb the damage.



Sword of Siege

Symbol: block with a wedge of it cut out

Stonecutter slices through rock and stone, literally, as a hot knife would through butter. If it's point is rested on stone, it will begin to cut it, with its own weight. Stonecutter may be used to tunnel through stone at a rate of 3" (this is assuming there is someone to remove the debris, or that the tunneler is going up, letting the debris fall below). The tunnel would be about four feet in diameter. Stonecutter has no combat bonuses in addition to the standard benefits of a Sword, unless fighting creatures made of stone. Then Stonecutter adds a +4 to hit, and a +6 to damage. On a modified roll of 19 or 20, the Sword will cut off a limb or appendage, and on a natural roll of 20, it will destroy the monster. When used against stoneworks it does 15 points of damage.




Sword of Justice

Symbol: ring (circle)

It is the least known Sword (it was destroyed without ever have been used were the teller of the story could tell the readers).

The Sword of Justice throws the power of the opponent(s)'s attack back at them. Acts a Ring of Spell Turning (and over powers a ring) against spells. Attacks with melee weapons: attacker rolls to hit, if the score is enough to hit the ATTACKER he rolls for the amount of damage he *would* have done, then Doomgiver hits him, causing that much damage.




Sword of Stealth

Symbol: an eye, 1/4th closed

When the user wears this Sword it makes him appear to all others as what they fear or love, depending on who and what they are thinking of (the wielder may change from a father to a wife, if the viewer's thoughts change). Usually groups see the wielder as the same person.

The image the wielder takes cannot be chosen, it may or may not appear to be wearing a sword (or even a Sword if others see him as a person who should be wearing one).

Also the wielder can see through all illusions, magical or otherwise. The Sword acts as a True Seeing spell when drawn.




Sword of Mercy -- Sword of Love

Symbol: open hand

The Sword of Mercy cannot harm any living creature, if thrust into someone it will cure 2 - 20 points of damage, cure disease, cure blindness, and regenerate (which will also heal what the cure 2-20 doesn't).

If used against undead, they must save versus Death Magic at -8, or be rendered dead. Undead without corporal bodies can be hit, the Sword does the damage as a "normal" Sword. (ghosts, specters, phantoms, etc.). With these pluses: +3 "to hit" +3 damage.

Evil creatures from the outer planes can be fought with this Sword. It does damage as a Sword. With these pluses: +3 "to hit" +3 damage.

If used against non-organic (never living) it uses the normal pluses for a Sword, and does damage.



Symbol: banner on pole

All intelligent, semi and up, creatures who see this Sword drawn, become the faithful servants of the wielder. They remain faithful until the wielder loses the blade or they handle one of the other Swords and make a save. Possessing one of the other Twelve allows the person a save vs. magic not to be controlled by the Mindsword. If the Mindsword and its wielder are out of sight the save is at +4. Doomgiver's and Shieldbreaker's wielders are immune to the Mindsword. Creatures under the power of the Mindsword will follow ANY command given by the wielder, even suicidal instructions, with no hesitation.




Sword of Despair -- Tyrant's Blade

Symbol: none

Its power creates thoughts of absolute hopelessness in all within 100 yards radius of the drawn sword. The wielder is also effected by the Sword. All within the radius of effect sink to the ground, so hopeless that they can do nothing but stare at the ground. Carrying another Sword will give the wielder a save vs. magic at +5. Once the Sword is sheathed (if it is sheathed all people effected slowly regain their normal world-view and recover (10 - level /rounds).

The wielder of Soulcutter ages one year for every round the weapon is drawn. The wielder cannot return the blade to its sheath unless he also carries another Sword and makes his save when Soulcutter is drawn).




Sword of Fury

Symbol: crenelated wall with upraised arm holding sword

Townsaver is somewhat similar to Shieldbreaker, in its effects on opponents in combat.



Wielder cannot be controlled by another.

For every person who attacks the wielder (armed or unarmed), if they are within melee range) the sword will: d100

1 - 15% Destroys their weapon Knocks weapon from their hand

16 - 35% Cuts off one hand/arm normal damage

36 - 40% Cuts off both hands/arms normal damage

41 - 45% Cuts off one leg normal damage

46 - 95% Double damage normal damage

96 -100% Kills double damage

The disadvantage of Townsaver is that it does not protect the wielder as does the Sword of Force. If Townsaver is controlling the wielder he gains no AC bonus for dexterity and suffers a -2 to his AC.

A highly skilled fighter may be able to control the Sword. If (Level + INT + WIS + CON) > 55. If the wielder can control the sword it does not use the table above, nor does it give an attack for each attacking opponent.

Abilities of the CONTROLLED Townsaver: Adds 1 to the wielders attacks/per round +3 "to hit" +3 damage.




Sword of Wisdom

Symbol: arrow (pointer)

Wayfinder can be used to make decisions. Such as "Where can I find a wizard to help me on this adventure?" you point the Sword around until you feel a tingle, and then go that way. Wayfinder always makes the "correct" choice, but not always the path of least risk.



Sword of Vengeance

Symbol: concentric circles (bullseye)

The wielder grasps this Sword by its hilt spins in a circle and says, "For thy heart, for thy hear, who hast wronged me!" Release it, and it flies for a couple of feet then disappears. It reappears by the named enemy and pierces his/its heart, killing it. There is no save. No armor or magic can stop Farslayer, only Shieldbreaker can stop this Sword (Farslayer would be destroyed). The sword lays in the enemies' heart, until someone finds him and draws it out.




Sword of Chance

Symbol: pair of dice

Coinspinner can be used similar to Wayfinder, although it finds the best chance of what the wielder seeks. The oddest thing about the Sword of Chance is that it is the only sword that can move itself. If not watched it may disappear. No vault, or magic can keep it in one place.

+4 Luck (all saves at +4)

+6 Luck in all games of chance




Sword of Heroes

Symbol: winged serpent

Dragonslicer will kill any dragon whose flesh it bites. When used against dragons it has no "to hit" bonus, but if the Sword hits the dragon dies (no save). Removing the Sword from the dragon's body requires a bend bars/lift gates roll.