Long Swords



Biff (Long Sword of Annoyance)

Biff is a +3 long sword who can make himself and his caster invisible. The only problem is, Biff never, ever stops talking (unless promised a good fight, in which case he might shut up for a round). Biff speaks even while sheathed, but his sheath muffles him enough for his wielder to sleep.

Biff speaks common in a high, loud, voice. "I remember when you shoved me into that orc heart, it was great! I was covered in blood! I could feel the heart beating around my blade! The view inside the body was incredible!", etc.



Black Blade

Type: long sword

Intelligence: 17

EGO: 18

Magical Adjustment: +2

Magic Resistance: 85%

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Description: black onyx obsidian blade with mithril inlaid along the blade and rune carved. It also has a black diamond pommel. The sheath and baldric are made of black dragon skin with mithril tooling and stitching.


Upon the killing stroke, the wielder will temporarily gain the number of hit points of the killed creature. If the creature is humanoid or human the wielder will also gain the levels/hit dice of said person. This will last for a number of turns the creature has levels or hit dice. If the sword does not kill in three days, its ego will rise one point a day until it controls the wielder and makes him kill. This can also occur if in battle the wielder looses enough hit points to lose control. The black blade act as a dancing sword and also heals 1 point per day. It can detect traps, secret doors, and evil. It talks telepathically and can speak dwarfish, black dragon, stone golem, orc and of course common.

The voice it speaks in is a deep ominous crackling tone.



Magical adj.: +4 (vorpal long sword)

Spells (1/day): Fireblast (12d6)

Lightning Bolt (12d6)

Detect Evil Dragons (6")

Detect Gold/Precious Metals (30")


The sword's special purpose is to slay evil dragons. When in combat with an evil dragon, his bonus increase to +6. It also feels a kinship to all good dragons.

DragonClaw is intelligent and has a personality much like a dragon's (greed, etc.). The sword will demand a treasure horde to guard, etc.



Dragon Ember

It is a long sword +1, flame tongue. However, whilst many magic blades have a long and distinguished career, not so with 'Ember; six warriors/heroes have died horrible deaths while wielding this weapon, and many others have been seriously injured. It is featured in many a local legend (usually at the end of the legend when the hero dies) and has been well described in most of them. The origin of the blade is unknown to most (perhaps it may be found in some obscure tome); it was created by Aeldsar, the Emperor's wizard who created the weapon for his liege (it certainly was impressive to see the emperor leading his troops into battle, waving his flaming sword. It was less impressive when the emperor got shortened by a head/sheight by a barbarian and the sword, having fallen into the dry fields, created a blazing inferno that roasted half the empire's legions). The weapon has then been found and discarded by a number of heroes, each of whom has met with a bad end.

It must be noted that there is NO evil karma attached to the sword. If the heroes find Dragon Ember it will serve them faithfully and unfailingly. However, given the bad reputation it has gained over the centuries few NPC's or henchmen will be willing to travel with the heroes so long as the hang onto that "accursed blade" the heroes may even be thrown out of towns if the blade is recognized. But in truth, the blame should fall more on the ineptitude of its users than the blade's abilities.

Dragon Ember has a hilt shaped like a salamander, which is covered with copper that never tarnishes (thus it remains reddish and does not become green). The eyes of the salamander (the head is the pommel, BTW) look as if gems could be set therein but they are empty when the PC's find it. When activated (by saying the sword's name) a fierce orange fire surrounds the whole blade; the "level" of this fire can not be modified (i.e. it can't grow to bonfire size, or shrink to match-size. It's on or off). Its name is written on its blade in runic letters.






Golem Killer

Long sword +1, +3 vs. magically animated creatures (not including undead). Provides protection from Cantrips in a 5' radius.



Long Sword of True Vision

A long sword which grants its wielder the ability to see things disguised by invisibility and low-level illusion. Doesn't work on things disguised mundanely (e.g. someone hiding in shadows, a non-magical disguise, concealed traps, etc.).





This long sword is exquisitely forged and razor sharp; it is identified by the imprint of a shield on the hilt. It is intelligent (INT 14, EGO 24).

Its alignment is neutral good, and it will only function against a good character.


1) Enchanted to +3

2) Fly (as cast by a 12th level wizard), once/day

3) Detect magic at will, 100-foot range

4) Detects any mind-altering ability (spell, psionic, natural ability or other) within 100 feet, automatically (wielder does not need to concentrate)

5) The ability from which it gets its name: When being worn (not necessarily wielded), it provides absolute, unconditional immunity to ANY mind-affecting attack on the wielder (I underscore the ANY: NOTHING can affect the wielder's mind). This includes but is not limited to all telepathic psionic abilities, most spells of the enchantment/charm school, all attack spells of the charm sphere, slow spells, all appropriate natural abilities, and a few poisons.

6) The special purpose of this sword is to slay all evil creatures that attack the mind. If any evil creature attacks the wielder's mind, the attack is reflected back with its power amplified; the attacker must make a save versus death magic or die, its mind shattered.

7) The sword is intelligent and communicates by speech. Note that the although it only slays evil mind-attackers, it has a dislike of any mind-affecting abilities. Thus, beneficial mind-affecting abilities can also not be used on the caster. Its personality is driven and single minded, and it does not take well to slights on its abilities. It will never, however, take over its wielder's mind as intelligent weapons are wont to do (that would be rather hypocritical).



Usually a long sword with a very keen edge and very shiny (bright) +1, +3 vs. Psionic creatures.


- Permanent Tower of Iron Will (for combat roll always a 16)

- Wielder always has a closed mind

- If a psionic creature is hit with the sword one randomly determined tangent or contact is severed.

- +2 save vs. charm, illusion, and mind affecting spells and powers

- If a psionic creature touches the pommel they suffer a mental backlash resulting in a drain of 2d10 PSPs and stuns them for 1d4 rounds. If the psionic has less then the PSPs drained then drain one power for a number of rounds equal to the number of PSPs drained.




Intelligence: 15

EGO: VERY high

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (but loyal to his master... See below)

Magical adj.: +4 (long sword) and see below...


PeopleSmasher is the favorite weapon of Kohran Valkinarde, God of Battle and Boasting. The sword can talk and will sing Kender tunes if argued with. The following is a breakdown of it's magical adjustments:

+4 normally

+5 vs. regenerating creatures

+6 vs. cold-using and inflammable or avian creatures

+7 vs. undead and fire using/dwelling creatures

+8 vs. people Kohran cannot step on or are better looking than himself

(this is serious! anyone with a comeliness of 21+)




+2 Defender long sword

No intelligence, ego, or alignment


- if within 15' of evil, a black gem on the hilt glows.

- if within 15' of an invisible object, a red gem (on opposite side) glows.

- if gems are removed from the sword, they lose their powers.



This is a +4 silver long sword with thin black runes 'Quillion' on the blade. It can detect/locate writing 100' radius at will (wielder has a rough idea of amount), Tongues 3/day, comprehend Languages 5/day, 5% chance (every time an opponent misses in a sword attack) of sword catching and breaking opponents blade (where applicable; magic weapons get a saving throw), Light on command (5', 15' 30' radius). The sword tends to hum (harmonize) when music is played/sung near it.



Sword of Fire

Long sword.

Same as bow except for arrow ability, all effects are cumulative. Can flame strike as a 30th level cleric similar to a cone of cold with the tip of the sword as it's base once per two days. Sword blade is so hot that it will melt metal (other than magical) Damage of 3-30 plus 1-4 per round for 4 melee rounds if wearing metal armor due to the melted metal. Save versus Constitution from extreme pain, if failed by more than 5 points the player is paralyzed for 2-8 melee rounds if the player doesn't save the player is at minus 4 to hit for next round.



Sword of Forbearance

Magical Adjustment: +1 (always a long sword; rather slim and light)

Intelligence: 0 (although it has a special purpose: to protect wielder)

Alignment: none specified (personal suggestion: LG or NG)


It'll act as any normal +1 weapon as long as the wielder is healthy (over 1/2 of max. HP). But as the character looses HP, it'll start to make itself useful. For every 10% below 50% of max. HP the wielder is currently, the sword adds +1 to his AC against weapons as it starts to fend for the wielder. At 10% (when the wielder is just about finished) of max. HP, the sword will stop to try to hit the opponent and will concentrate on defending it's wielder (it's very loyal), adding another +1 to AC and also if the wielder hits his opponent (DM's - Don't let on the sword not attacking to harm) it disarms the opponent. The AC bonuses are good only vs. hand wielded weapons. It does not affect AC vs. arrows and the like.

The reason for naming it 'Sword of Forbearance' are that the sword will 'forgive' the user for abandoning her and as it's not intelligent it forgives enemies for hurting it's master a bit as that is life, but it'll try it's hardest to keep him alive and well.

This Sword is usable only by fighters as the disarm capability implies. If a non-fighter uses it, it'll protect him at 1/2 usefulness and can't disarm. If a fighter uses it to disarm an opponent it is a +3 sword. Also for a fighter who try to fend off enemies, or any other kind of non-lethal combat (as per the Unearthed Arcana or the 2nd edition).


Sword of Hope

Here is weapon that pops up every once and awhile. Mostly when the Bad Times come...


+3 long sword

Alignment: Good

EGO: 10+ (varies with the needs of the Land)



All spells up to 3rd level magic user and 3rd level cleric my use any of these powers, but if the wielder attempts to misuse the powers, it refuses to work. Morale of all friendly creatures remains at a steady level, never changes as long as the Hope Sword is on their side or until the evil(?) has been defeated. (as an example: Jordan has the Hope Sword in his hand. He and his 5 friends are surrounded by an Orc army of 300. His friends will say things like "Nice to have known you." and smile happily...) The enemy is slightly daunted by the Hope Sword. In other words, the enemies morale drops by 2 or 3.

Gives all allies a +2 saving throw, +1 to hit, and a +1 to damage.

Usually appears in a strange and awe-inspiring way... As a Sword in the Stone (as in Excalibur), fall from the sky in an incredible light and sound show. Once, it was found in an old family chest that hasn't been opened in years, etc.

When ever the evil is gone, it disappears... Is stolen, simply vanishes, flies out of your hand and up into the heaven's...

A nice weapon to have, but it never stays around for long...



Sword of Stealth

(allow any plus you desire).

Allows a continual non-detection while in the possession of its owner. Invisibility 2/day.

Usually, but not necessarily, accompanied by its sister sheath, the sheath of stealth. This sheath appears to be capable of holding a dagger, but in reality, may store the sword of stealth.

The Sword is normally a long sword (or a bastard sword).



Sword of Were

A long sword +1 with the hilt which has the look of some creature but was unrecognizable except during the time of the full moon. During the full moon, the sword hilt would form into the head of a wolf, tiger, bear or rat (Randomly determined or could be specific for one sword).

While the hilt was in the shape of an animal, the wielder can transform into the animal at will, as long as the moon is up (and is full). During this time, the wielder had all the abilities and control of a were-person that had been 'were' for 20 years. As long as the person doesn't retain the shape when the moon goes down (chance to be permanent 'stuck' that way) or have the shape when the moon goes out of full phase.



Thief Watcher

A jeweled long sword of the finest quality +1, +2 vs. thieves.

This sword allows the wielder to see objects/creatures hidden in shadow (not invisible objects) and will "twitch" violently (-3 to hit if in segment before or during strike) when the wielder is about to be backstabbed (usually negating the backstab multiplier, but not back attack bonus) and growls lowly when the wielder is the object of a pick-pocket. The wielder also gains the NWP alertness.



A magical long sword that is intelligent and had this power to grant regeneration to the wielder by vampiric regeneration. Half of all damage caused by the sword is used to heal the wielder. The disadvantage is that the sword gets hungry if it doesn't kill anyone for more than 24 hours, in which case it drains all but 1d4 hit points from the wielder, as food of course. It is an evil blade.




Flame Tongue Long Sword

Intelligence: 15


Wilde is an intelligent Flame Tongue (INT 15) with Black flames. It does normal flame tongue damage (+1, +2 vs. regenerating, +3 vs. avian, cold-using, and +4 vs. undead; acts as a Ring of Warmth, burns webs). It also speaks 4 languages: NG, Common, Elfish, Gnome; casts X-ray vision twice per day 1 turn duration, casts Detect Evil twice per day; and is a special purpose sword.

Wilde's special purpose is to kill Drows. Against Drow it is a +5 weapon. Any Drow hit with Wilde must save vs. magic or be disintegrated. Wilde speaks with English mannerisms and in a higher, more melodious voice than Horgon. Wilde objects to hitting plate mail, but will do so in the hands of his wielder - the ranger/magic user.



Windsword of Sharda

A +1 long sword, and once per day the wielder could perform a whirlwind attack, which gave him 4 attacks in one round. The sword had the potential to develop other powers such as summoning a dust devil or whirlwind once per day. The character who kept using it even when more powerful swords became available.