A shabby looking dagger that on rare occasion (randomly determined) causes a small fiery blast for 6d4 damage when it strikes its target. The weapon is not damaged by this.
Blood Claw
This throwing dagger is +3 to hit and damage. Upon hitting a creature that is possessive of blood as life force (i.e. not undead or slimes or crystalline or stone creatures etc.) the dagger will automatically grow barbs and burrow itself to the hilt inside the target. Every round after the round in which it has struck, the dagger will drain an additional 2d4 hp until the creature dies or the dagger is removed. Removal of the dagger will cause the victim an additional 3d4 hp damage due to the extensive barbs.
Butt Driller
+1 dagger normally
+3 if used from behind
An evil +4 golden dagger with what looks like a platinum blade. There is a small amount of tarnish on the blade which writhes in torch light. In shadows and darkness the blade never glints or betrays it's wielder. The blade is intelligent and has the special purpose of acquiring money. It can detect the number and type of precious metals at up to 20' and the number and type of gems at up to 10'. My gnome thief/illusionist came across this nasty piece of work and fell in love with it, especially since the dagger was almost as greedy as he was. "Yeah Boss, the dopey lady with the tattoo has 3 emeralds in her sock and a silver piece under her wig".
A chaotic intelligent +2 dagger, which once per day can fire a bolt equivalent to a magic missile, doing 2d4+2 points of damage, but only with the weapon's cooperation.
Dagger of Alignment Detection
This weapon appears to be a well-made dagger with five small gems set in the hilt. It radiates magic. When a command word is spoken and the dagger is pointed casually in the direction of a person or object within 30', one or more of the jewels will glow to indicate the alignment of the creature or thing (such as a magic sword) pointed at. The usual code of such daggers use is as follows:
emerald=good, diamond=neutral, ruby=evil, topaz=chaotic, sapphire=lawful.
Thus, the emerald and sapphire set in an alignment dagger will glow if it is pointed at a lawful good character.
The target to be identified must be visible to the holder of the dagger. The weapon's aim is not especially accurate; if is pointed in the general direction of more than one creature or object of different alignments, the gems will glow alternately in rapid succession, making their message difficult to interpret. The alignment dagger is a normal weapon in all other respects, giving the holder no combat bonuses.
Dagger of Happiness
Similar to a Dagger of Venom, it is +1 and its hilt holds 6 doses of a sedative/happy drug. When striking an opponent, there is a 10% chance of the dagger injecting the drug into the opponents system. The opponent then makes a save vs. poison. If the creature attacked fails its save, one round later it sits on the ground with a smile on its face (faces, what passes for a face). This obviously doesn't affect things not affected by poison or that don't have blood per se. The effects last 1d4 + 1 Turns. If the creature attacked makes its save, all further saves against this poison are at -2 per injection during the above duration, because the drug is still in the being's system. Since the drug is slow acting, there is more of a chance that it will be injected over a normal Dagger of Venom - which is 5% - on a natural 20.
This item appears to be the tip of a dagger which has been broken off a complete weapon. It has a hole crudely drilled in one end, so that it can be worn on a necklace or bracelet, like a charm. When a command word is spoken, the Dagger Tip falls from whatever it is attached to, becoming a +2 Dagger. An additional command word will make the dagger invisible. The grip is hollow: the pommel unscrews to reveal a compartment containing thief's tools. Repeating the command word causes the dagger to shrink back to its original form. The small size and relatively harmless appearance of the Dagger Tip makes it an easily concealed weapon!
Diamond Dagger
The diamond dagger is a dagger who's blade is made of magically reinforced diamond. The blade will cut any non-magical material (flesh of 'magical' monsters is non-magical) easily. It will act as a reduce any armor class to 9 if the armor worn, animal hide, etc., is non-magical, although any bonuses for dexterity, etc., is still applicable. The dagger still acts as a +3 dagger and will do so against magical armor too. It will also cut most any material, stone like butter, metals like sand, and wood like flesh. The damage done by the dagger is as a short sword. The dagger has no bonuses at all against materials that are made or alloys of mithril or adamantite. It can be used to cut open chests, doors, carve stone, shape metal, etc. The dagger is balanced for throwing, and will always hit blade first and always (not mithral and adamantite) sink in to the hilt, which is made of steel and adamantite. This dagger need never make saving throws, unless it is being hit with (not hitting) a weapon or object of mithral or adamantite, whereupon it will shatter if failed.
Elven Dagger
This weapon, created for elven warrior commanders, is fashioned of a mithral-silver and steel alloy. It possesses the ability to detect giant-class creatures at a range of 200' outdoors, 100' indoors or underground (for a list of giant-class creatures, see Unearthed Arcana page 22). The blade of this dagger glows a faint white-blue color when such a creature is at the extreme range of its detection ability. The glow intensifies as the giant-class creature gets closer, until the blade is shining with the equivalent of a light spell.
This dagger is +3 to hit and to damage giant-class creatures only. When attacking other creatures, it is considered to be a +1 magical weapon, but it strikes and wounds as a normal dagger. If desired, the dagger can be commanded to dim its light or to withhold its radiance when stealth and concealment are important. The blade glows only when giant-class creatures are near, not by any command. Any giant-class creature that holds or touches the weapon receives 1-4 hp damage per round of contact.
Faz'al Notchar's Enchanted Dagger
A simple blade with no abilities other than being imbued with mend. Faz'al has experienced desert warfare and this knife could be used to slice open an enemies tent, step inside, then use the enchanted blade upper edge to seal the fabric. It can hit creatures that can only be hit by magical weapons, but with no damage bonus.
Lecrucia the Thirsty
Lecrucia is a magical dagger of grey stone. The dagger was crafted by an ancient, matronly, ogre mage for really painful rites of summoning. The ogre cast her soul into the dagger when her temple was overwhelmed by troops of the good order. She has been causing more trouble ever since. Lecrucia has intelligence of 17, wisdom of 17, ego of 17.
Her powers are:
1) +0 base to hit/damage
2) +2 vs. high elves
3) +3 vs. grey and drow elves
4) +1 vs. things with blood
5) +6 vs. vampires (they have a lot of blood)
6) 2d12 blood drain AT LECRUCIA'S WILL (sustains her life force)
Lecrucia will turn against her master if he won't let her drink. If she gains control, she will plunge herself into her slaves heart and drain him or her completely. Lecrucia is Lawful Evil and will try to pervert anyone who uses her. She can only drain blood eight times per day, the number of the diamonds on the hilt. When she drains blood a diamond turns red.
A dagger of healing that works normally twice per day. However the third time it is used it does regular damage. It has a white handle, or black if you want to be perverse.
This long, thin-bladed dagger possesses its wielder with a desire to steal and kill, turning the wielder toward a shade of selfish evil. In the hands of a thief, the blade allows a plus 50% on opening locks (up to a maximum of 99%). Moreover, it can cut through most magical seals (8 charges). The blade does a base d6 damage, is +4 in term of magic, and attacks twice per round whether thrown or held in melee. It may dance for 3 rounds and may excrete a magical poison once per day (save vs. poison: lethal vs. lawful creatures, others take 6d6). The dagger has a playful mentality but a limited intelligence.
Silent Blade
A dagger that when it is drawn from it's sheath activates a "Silence 20 yard" spell. It was, of course, made for a thief...
It was by the way +3 and was not made to be thrown. It also has a small compartment in the hilt big enough to hold a few gems or a ring or two...
Sword of Pain
Once per day, these daggers inflict damage as does a symbol of pain to the target they hit, provided maximum damage is done.
Thrown Dagger of Backstabbing
This dagger allows the thief to backstab one category higher (from x3 to x4) once per day on a thrown backstab. It will return once per day and for the rest of the day will function as a dagger +1.
Vampiric Crysdagger
This is a +1 dagger which sheds no light. When wielded by a thief, it does vampiric touch (3d6 dmg) once per day.
This small dagger has been powered with an extremely potent dweomer. It has no plusses or any other bonuses when used in regular combat. However, when the true name of any creature seen by the wielder at some time in his or her life is spoken aloud, and the dagger thrown, the dagger will automatically strike that creature, wherever that creature may be. Thus if necessary, the dagger will sail through the planes to seek and hit the creature. Upon hitting under such circumstances, the effect of a harm spell will automatically affect the target, and then damage for the dagger will have to be calculated. Note that this does not necessarily kill the victim. First roll d4 for hit points left, then d4 for hit points lost due to the dagger. There is only one of these daggers known to be around, and this was the item that finally brought low the infamous Piraz the Mad. The hand that threw the blade is thought to have been that of Saicha La Vallee, Azith Dengg's wife. Her powers and actions throughout the long wars are a mystery. It is certain that she played a large role behind the scenes in organizing the campaign led by her husband.